
Weill Cornell Medical College Postdoctoral Position

Postdoctoral Research Associate positions
available immediately to study the cullin-based ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in controlling genomic stability, DNA repair and hematopoiesis, and the associated tumorigenic processes using a combination of biochemistry, cell and molecular biology and mouse and chemical genetic approaches. Please refer to the lab website http://www.med.cornell.edu/research/pez2001/.

We are looking for candidates with experiences in mouse genetics and pathology, or in protein expression, purification, and structural and enzymatic analysis.

Cornell University will sponsor H1B visa if required.

Send curriculum vitae and references to:

Dr. Pengbo Zhou
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Weill Cornell Medical College
1300 York Ave., C312
New York, NY 10065

E-mail: pez2001@med.cornell.edu

Posted by Pengbo Zhou(pez2001@med.cornell.edu)


University of Illinois at Chicagoポスドク募集

University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Pharmacology
Center for Cardiovascular Research

米国イリノイ大学医学部薬理学研究室では、循環器疾患における酸化ストレスおよびCu トランスポーターの役割に興味のある意欲溢れるポスドク研究員を募集します。

1) 遺伝子操作マウスを用いた活性酸素および銅代謝を介した心血管病態 (高血圧、動脈硬化、糖尿病) に関する研究、
2) 活性酸素および銅代謝関連遺伝子発現調節に関する研究、
3) 活性酸素および銅代謝を介した細胞内シグナル伝達機構の解明、
4) 活性酸素および銅代謝を介した細胞増殖と分化、血管新生、ミトコンドリアの機能に関する研究
5) 活性酸素および銅代謝を介したヒト幹細胞分子生物学に関する研究




Masuko Ushio-Fukai, PhD, FAHA; Tohru Fukai MD,PhD, FAHA
University of Illinois at Chicago,
Department of Pharmacology
Center for Cardiovascular Research,
835 S. Wolcott. M/C868
E403 MSB
Chicago, IL 60612
Tel: 312-996-7665 (MUF office)
312-996-7622 (lab)
Fax: 312-996-1225

E-mail:mfukai@uic.edu; masuko.fukai@gmail.com (日本語可)
Lab URL: http://mcph.uic.edu/ushio-fukai; http://mcph.uic.edu/fukai



ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル/癌研究所 - ポスドク募集

ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル癌研究所医学生化学部門のDr. Greg Wangの研究室で2名あるいはそれ以上のポスドクを募集しています。私,辻 良明はノースカロライナ州立大学の研究者で、Dr.Wangとは研究領域で面識があり、今回依頼を受けて日本語で彼のラボのポスドク募集紹介をさせていただきます。Dr. Wangの研究室はクロマチンバイオロジーを活発に展開しており、具体的には、
応募していただいた方の経験は考慮するそうですが、これらの研究に興味とやる気のある方を特に希望するそうです。応募してみようと思われる方は履歴書と主論文pdf、それと3名の推薦者の連絡先を添えて Dr. Wangまでe-mailでお送りください。 gregwang.unc@gmail.com
Dr. Wangの研究室や彼の論文などはここを見てください。 http://www.med.unc.edu/biochem/wang
投稿者:辻 良明

Postdoctoral Position of Gene Expression and/or Cancer Epigenetics
Job Description
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) School of Medicine

Multiple postdoctoral positions available for highly motivated candidates to join the group of Dr. Greg Wang (http://www.med.unc.edu/biochem/wang) at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) School of Medicine. With an emphasis on chromatin biology and cancer epigenetics, the group focuses on mechanistic understandings of how chromatin modifications define the epigenome, control gene expression and regulate cell proliferation versus differentiation of tissue-specific stem cells during development (especially hematopoietic system), and how their deregulations lead to oncogenesis. Multiple on-going projects include 1) biochemical characterization of several novel chromatin-associated factors/complexes, 2) knockout and knock-in mouse models with deficiency in histone methylation regulation in context of development and tumorigenesis, with a special focus on hematopoietic cancer !
and disease, 3) epigenomic and transcriptome analyses (ChIP-Seq and RNA-Seq) of normal versus cancer cells, 4) shRNA or CRISPR-based screening for novel oncogenes or tumor suppressors.

Applicants should be self-motivated with a strong background, laboratory and analytical skills, as well as a track record of publication. Previous experiences in aforementioned fields are welcome but not required. Full applications including CV, reprints of publications, and contact information of three referees should be submitted to e-mail: gregwang.unc@gmail.com

Posted by Greg Wang(gregwang.unc@gmail.com)



ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校ラインバーガー癌研究所のQing Zhang Labでは乳癌の研究に興味があるポスドク一名を募集しております。当研究室では乳癌と腎癌のメカニズム解析を行っております。日本語での質問は高田護(takada#email.unc.edu)(#はアットマーク)まで連絡ください。
待遇: NIHの規定によります 。
2.書類選考の上、Dr. Qing Zhangと電話インタビューないしはSkypeによる面接を行います。

One postdoctoral associate position is available in a cancer research lab located within the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Lineberger Cancer Center. The duration of position is 2-3 years with the possibility for a renewal. The lab currently studies hypoxia signaling, prolyl hydroxylases, chromosomal instability and cancer, specifically breast and renal cell carcinoma. One of the projects focuses on using novel proteomic and genomic approaches to screen for novel prolyl hydroxylase substrates that play important roles in various cancers. The other project involves integrating ChIP-seq strategy with gene expression profiling to identify EglN2 prolyl hydroxylase and Hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF1) targets in the malignant diseases. The third project is to understand how FBW7 loss leads to chromosomal instability in cancer. The ultimate goal is to understand mechanistically how oxygen-sensing pathways contribute to cancer progression, which will facilitate our de!
sign of efficient treatment strategies to target cancer specifically. Please refer to the page for research and publication details: https://www.med.unc.edu/olioli/faculty/dplm-faculty-profiles2014dr.-zhang

We are seeking candidates who are highly motivated and career-oriented. Qualified candidates must have a Ph.D or MD degree with strong background in molecular/cell biology, biochemistry and cancer biology.

The Lineberger Cancer Center is one of NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers. It provides a strong postdoctoral training opportunity and The University of North Carolina is an equal opportunity employer.

The interested candidates should send a CV and contact information of three references to Dr. Qing Zhang at qingzhangwhu@gmail.com.



Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard School of Public Health, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Harvard Medical School研究員募集


Research position available

I am seeking candidates for a position in my laboratory at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard School of Public Health, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Harvard Medical School, in Boston, MA, USA. A position may be a postdoctoral fellow, technician or research assistant (either full-time or part-time), and whoever fits to this position may start soon or in the future. My laboratory is The "Molecular Pathological Epidemiology" (MPE) Laboratory, which is a very unique, interdisciplinary multi-institutional laboratory. MPE is the emerging scientific field which I recently established as a distinct field (Ogino et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010; Ogino et al. Gut 2011; Ogino et al. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2011; Field et al. JAMA 2013; etc). We have been working on colorectal cancer, colorectal adenoma and polyp, pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, and gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors. For more information, please visit this link.

For postdoc candidates, I broadly seek candidates with background in pathology, epidemiology, biostatistics, bioinformatics, computational biology, molecular biology, and clinical medicine. Candidates with funding support will be highly considered. Our recent papers include R Nishihara et al. NEJM 2013; X Liao et al. NEJM 2012; E Barry et al. Nature 2013; R Straussman et al. Nature 2012; R Nishihara et al. JAMA 2013; S Fink et al. Sci Transl Med 2014; ZR Qian et al. J Clin Oncol 2013; S Ogino et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2013; etc.

Please email me (sogi43@gmail.com) your CV or any inquiry. Please pass this information to anyone who may be interested. Please pardon me if I cannot reply to you because of too many responses or inquiries.


ボストンにある私のThe Molecular Pathological Epidemiology (MPE) Laboratory分子病理疫学研究室でやる気のある研究室員を募集しています。ポジションとしてはポスドク、テクニシャン、研究助手のいずれかが可能で、Full-time あるいは Part-timeが可能です(候補者のバックグラウンドとニーズによります)。仕事の開始時期も相談に応じます。この私の分子病理疫学研究室はDana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard School of Public Health, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Harvard Medical Schoolにわたって存在する常識外れのユニークな研究室です。分子病理疫学と私の研究室についてはこのサイトをご覧ください。


ポスドクでしたらPathology (特にdiagnostic pathology)あるいはEpidemiologyあるいはBiostatisticsあるいはBioinformaticsあるいはComputational BiologyあるいはMolecular Biologyあるいは臨床医学のBackgroundが望ましいです。

ラボでの仕事はいろいろありますが、パラフィン癌組織サンプルの管理とプロセシング、データーベースの管理、免疫組織染色、病理組織解析、DNA・RNA解析、Image Analysis、統計解析、あるいはプログラミングです。もちろんすべての手技をできる人はいませんので、得意な分野・経験を生かしていただきます。

プロジェクトは大腸癌、線腫、膵臓癌、胃癌、消化器内分泌腫瘍のMolecular Pathological Epidemiology (MPE)です。MPEは私が提唱した学問分野で、その名が示すとおり、分子病理学と疫学の統合という今までにない新しい学問分野です(S Ogino et al. JNCI 2010; S Ogino et al. Gut 2011; S Ogino et al. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2011; A Field et al. JAMA 2013; etc)。私のラボでは大規模な前向き疫学コホートを使って大腸癌と膵臓癌の様々な分子異常の疫学的病因を研究しています。ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院とBrigham and Women’s Hospitalではこれまで当初は健康な12万人の女性を34年(Nurses' Health Study、http://www.channing.harvard.edu/nhs/)、5万人の男性を24年(Health Professionals Follow-up Study、http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hpfs/)追跡して、病気の発生を疫学的に研究してきました。我々のMPE Researchの強みは最近のさまざまな論文で示されています(R Nishihara et al. NEJM 2013; X Liao et al. NEJM 2012; E Barry et al. Nature 2!
013; R Straussman et al. Nature 2012; R Nishihara et al. JAMA 2013; S Fink et al. Sci Transl Med 2014; ZR Qian et al. J Clin Oncol 2013; S Ogino et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2013; etc.)


Shuji Ogino, MD, PhD, MS
Molecular Pathological Epidemiologist (MPE-ist)
Head of The Molecular Pathological Epidemiology (MPE) Laboratory
Chairperson, Program Committee for The International MPE Meeting Series

Associate Professor (of Pathology and Epidemiology)
Harvard Medical School
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Harvard School of Public Health

440 Brookline Ave, M422
Boston, Massachusetts 02215 USA
E-mail: shuji_ogino@dfci.harvard.edu
Administrator: Tracy Baker
E-mail: tracy_baker@dfci.harvard.edu



アラバマ州立大学医学部 Department of Microbiology ポスドク募集

University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Microbiology
Immunology Post-doctoral Positions

NEW postdoctoral positions are now open in the research group of Dr. Hui Hu. The research project aims to develop infectious disease and novel autoimmune disease models, and study the molecular mechanisms underlying several new pathways in CD8+ T cell effector and memory responses and CD4+ T follicular helper cell differentiation (Blood 115:510 (2010), Nat Immunol 12:544(2011), Nat Immunol (2014, in press)).

The postdoctoral candidate will have recently acquired a Ph.D. and/or M.D. preferably in immunology with technique expertise in flow cytometry and molecular biology. Strong background in transcriptional regulation and/or signaling pathways is desirable. Candidate should be self-motivated and career oriented.

To apply, please submit your curriculum vitae and cover letter including names and contact information of three references to, Hui Hu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, UAB School of Medicine, E-mail: Immhulab@gmail.com


As a Top 20 research university UAB has outstanding research facilities and infrastructure. The Department of Microbiology is one of the top NIH-funded departments of its kind in the USA. http://www.microbio.uab.edu/.

Posted by Hui Hu(Immhulab@gmail.com)


和歌山県立医科大学先端医学研究所分子医学研究部 教員(講師・助教)ポスドク募集


PLoS ONE 7(2): e32019. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032019, 2012
Cell Reports 2: 652-665, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2012.08.021

教員およびポスドク 各1名:准教授・講師・助教・ポスドクのいずれか(ポストは業績により決まります)
和歌山県立医科大学先端医学研究所分子医学研究部 教授
電話:073-441-0607 / FAX:073-441-0864
Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine
Institute of Advanced Medicine, Wakayama Medical University
811-1,Kimiidera,Wakayama City, Wakayama 641-8509, Japan
Tel: +81-73-441-0607 / FAX: 073-441-0864



Baylor College of Medicineポスドク募集

ベイラー医科大学 (Baylor College of Medicine)において私たちの研究に参加していただける方を募集します。
Nakada Labでは、造血幹細胞の自己複製を制御するメカニズム、および白血病の発症や維持に関わるメカニズムの解明を目指して研究を行います。私たちは最近、造血幹細胞機能に雌雄差があり、エストロゲンが造血幹細胞の自己複製を亢進すること、また妊娠中にエストロゲンの作用により造血幹細胞の分裂が促されることを発表しました。白血病関連のプロジェクトとして、白血病幹細胞 (Leukemia stem cells)がどのようなメカニズムで維持されているのか、という点について、代謝関連因子を中心に解析を進めています。ノックアウトマウスモデルを用いた解析、マウスより単離した細胞を用いた生化学的解析を行っています。
ベイラー医科大学はテキサス州ヒューストン(Houston, Texas) にあるTexas Medical Centerの中枢を担う研究施設です。MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Methodist Hospital Research Instituteは歩いてセミナーを聞きにいくほどの距離にあります。
待遇:米国NIHおよびBaylor College of Medicineの規定による。
応募資格: 血液学、造血器腫瘍の知識、研究経験のある方を優先します。マウスやFACSを用いた研究経験のある方を希望します。
応募書類: CVとこれまでの研究の概要と本研究への興味、推薦者2名以上の連絡先。
1. Nakada et al., Oestrogen increases haematopoietic stem-cell self-renewal in females and during pregnancy. Nature. 2014 Jan 23;505(7484):555-8. PMID: 24451543
2. Magee et al., Temporal Changes in PTEN and mTORC2 Regulation of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Leukemia Suppression. Cell Stem Cell. 2012 Sep 7;11(3):415-428. PMID: 22958933
3. Yamada et al., The Cytosolic Protein G0S2 Maintains Quiescence in Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Plos One. 2012;7(5). PMID: 22693613
4. Nakada et al., Lkb1 regulates cell cycle and energy metabolism in haematopoietic stem cells. Nature. 2010 Dec 2;468(7324):653-8. PMCID3059717
5. Lee et al., mTOR activation induces tumor suppressors that inhibit leukemogenesis and deplete hematopoietic stem cells after Pten deletion. Cell Stem Cell. 2010 Nov 5;7(5):593-605. PMCID2995996
Daisuke Nakada, Ph.D.

投稿者:Daisuke Nakada(nakada@bcm.edu)


IMBA (Vienna, Austria)ポスドク募集

池田ラボ(IMBA, Vienna, Austria)では、ポスドク一名を募集しています。2011年に立ち上げた比較的新しいラボで、ubiquitinシグナルによる免疫反応について、分子生物学的手法、マウス、ハエモデルを使った研究を行っています。IMBAはThe Scientist(2012)にポスドクとして働きやすい研究施設 第2位にも選ばれ、非常に整った研究環境です。興味のあるかたは、以下の要領で英語でアプリケーションを送ってください。

Postdoc position in the Ikeda Group at IMBA (Vienna, Austria)

Are you looking for us?
- Postdoc position in the area of inflammation, cancer and ubiquitin signaling using newly-generated genetically-modified mouse models;
- Research focus: The ubiquitin E3 ligase complex known as LUBAC and its product, linearly linked ubiquitination, and how they both regulate inflammation and cancer biology (Ikeda et al., Nature, 2011);
- Dynamic young group, founded 2011, recently awarded ERC Consolidator grant;
- Strong publication record: Ikeda and Lahav (2013) Mol Biol Cell; Ikeda et al.(2011) Nature; Ikeda et al. (2010) Cell; Rahighi*, Ikeda* et al. (2009) Cell; Ikeda and Dikic (2008) EMBO Rep;
- Highly regarded research institute, IMBA, rated the second-best international workplace for postdocs by ‘The Scientist’ in 2012;
- Comprehensive, state of the art facilities on-site;
- Part of the Vienna Biocenter Campus, a stimulating environment offering outstanding networking opportunities;
- Highly competitive fully-funded salary, with additional benefits and travel funds;
- Located in Vienna, rated the most livable capital city in the world;
- Relocation support, including moving allowance and German lessons;
- Family-friendly workplace with on-site childcare;
- English-speaking workplace (no German skills required).

Are we looking for you?
- Experience in inflammation or cancer biology;
- Skills in cellular and molecular biology as well as mouse models;
- Outstanding track record and high motivation.

Then let’s get acquainted:
- See www.imba.oeaw.ac.at/research/fumiyo-ikeda/ for full details of our research;
- Send an application, including CV, publication list and a two-page motivation letter stating (a) why you are interested in this position; (b) which scientific question(s) you want to answer in the next three years related to our research area; and (c) the names of three referees to


投稿者:Fumiyo Ikeda(fumiyo.ikeda@imba.oeaw.ac.at)


Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Immunologyポスドク募集

Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Immunology
ポスドク募集 Zhuang Lab

私の同僚のProfessor Yuan Zhuangに代わって広告を出しています。
Dr. Zhuangのラボでは良い環境で思い切り研究が出来ることと思います。 アプリケーションは下記、Dr. Zhuangまで直接お申し込みください。
(Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Immunology 篠原眞理)


Starting time: 9-1-2014

Duration: 3 years

Research topics: Candidates may choose to work on one or several of the following topics: T lymphocyte development in the thymus, long term maintenance in the secondary lymphoid organs, transcription network analysis, autoimmune disease models.

Pay level: postdoctoral pay defined by NIH.

Qualification: recent Ph.D. graduates who have demonstrated track records of bench experience and productivity and are self-motivated to pursue discovery science.

Application materials: Send inquiry via E-mail to Professor Zhuang. Provide c.v., a short statement describing personal background and training purpose, and two names of your current or former advisors who can best judge your qualifications.

Information about the lab:

Yuan Zhuang, Ph.D.


Director of Graduate Studies

Department of Immunology
Duke University Medical Center



ジョンスホプキンス大学医学部/ジョンスホプキンス病院 循環器内科 ポスドク募集

ジョンスホプキンス大学医学部/ジョンスホプキンス病院 循環器内科 臨床不整脈グループでは、MRIガイド下不整脈アブレーションの研究に従事するポスドクを一名募集しています(PI: Henry Halperin, MD, MA, Hiroshi Ashikaga, MD, PhD)。





待遇: 2年目より有給。ジョンスホプキンス大学医学部循環器内科の規定によります 。


2.書類選考の上、Dr. Halperinと電話インタビューおよび面接(国際学会等にて)を行います。

連絡先: (日本語可)

Hiroshi Ashikaga, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering
Cardiac Arrhythmia Service, Division of Cardiology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
600 N. Wolfe Street, Carnegie 568
Baltimore, MD 21287
P 410-502-7861 | F 410-502-0231

1. Ashikaga et al., Feasibility of image-based simulation to estimate ablation target in human ventricular arrhythmia. Heart Rhythm 2013;10:1109-16.
2. Estner et al., The critical isthmus sites of ischemic ventricular tachycardia are in zones of tissue heterogeneity, visualized by magnetic resonance imaging. Heart Rhythm 2011;8:1942-9.
3. Halperin and Nazarian. Magnetic resonance identification of the ventricular tachycardia critical isthmus: finding the needle in the haystack. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;57:195-7.
4. Halperin and Kolandaivelu. MRI-Guided Electrophysiology Intervention. Rambam Maimonides Med J 2010;1:e0015.
5. Kolandaivelu et al., Noninvasive assessment of tissue heating during cardiac radiofrequency ablation using MRI thermography. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2010;3:521-9.
6. Nazarian et al., Feasibility of real-time magnetic resonance imaging for catheter guidance in electrophysiology studies. Circulation 2008;118:223-9.



CPP2014 San Francisco 開催のお知らせ

CPP2014 San Francisco 開催のお知らせ (http://cppweb.org)

【場所】ダブルツリーホテル サンフランシスコ エアポート
【主催】CPP, LLC. (合同会社シーピーピー)
     ・就職のための面接実習 など



【 U R L 】http://cppweb.org




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