

ボストン大学医学部薬理学教室にて博士研究員(Post-doctoral Fellow)を1名募集致します。当研究室はエクソゾームに関連したアルツハイマー病やミクログリアの基礎研究が中心です。エクソゾームはバイオマーカー、ドラッグデリバリーや病原体の拡散など様々な役割を持つ小胞体として近年注目されている研究分野です。ミクログリアは神経免疫学の主役をなす細胞であり、当研究室ではエクソゾームがタウ蛋白の拡散につながることを同定し、この論文は昨年アルツハイマー学会賞を受賞しました:http://alz.org/aaic/releases_2016/awards-inge-grundke-Iqbal.asp
1. 履歴書
2. 研究業績一覧 
3. 今までの研究概要およびこれからの研究への興味
4. 現職の所属長を含む推薦者2-3名の連絡先

Tsuneya Ikezu, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Pharmacology and and Neurology
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, MA 02118, U. S. A.
Email: tikezu@bu.edu
Website: http://www.bumc.bu.edu/busm-pm/fac/faculty/ikezu/

参考文献 :

1. Asai H, et al. Depletion of microglia and inhibition of exosome synthesis halt tau propagation. Nat Neurosci. 2015;18(11):1584-93.
2. Stern RA, et al. Preliminary Study of Plasma Exosomal Tau as a Potential Biomarker for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. J Alzheimers Dis. 2016;51(4):1099-109.
3. Varnum MM, et al. A split-luciferase complementation, real-time reporting assay enables monitoring of the disease-associated transmembrane protein TREM2 in live cells. J Biol Chem. 2017 May 10.

投稿者:Tsuneya Ikezu(tikezu@bu.edu)


Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School Postdoctoral Position

A post-doctoral position is available immediately in the Wei lab at Dept. of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. The lab’s major focus is on understanding how aberrant cell signaling pathways including ubiquitination and phosphorylation events drive tumorigenesis. More specifically, the lab explores mechanistically how aberrancies in Ubiquitin E3 ligase APC (Gao et al, Nature Cell Biology 11: 397, 2009; Wan et al, Molecular Cell 44: 721, 2011; Wan et al, Developmental Cell 29:377, 2014; Wan et al, Cancer Discovery 7:424, 2017) and SCF or other Cullin-based E3 ligases (Inuzuka et al, Cancer Cell 18:147, 2010; Inuzuka et al, Nature 471:104, 2011; Gao et al, Molecular Cell 44: 290, 2011; Inuzuka et al, Cell 150: 179, 2012; Gan et al, Molecular Cell 59: 917, 2015; Shimizu et al, Science Signaling 2017; Dai et al, Nature Medicine 2017) activities contribute to cell cycle regulation and subsequent tumor formation, as well as how PTEN/Akt!
/mTOR signaling pathway governs tumorigenesis (Liu et al, Nature 508: 541, 2014; Liu et al, Cancer Discovery 5:1194, 2015; Guo et al, Science 353:929, 2016; Wang et al, Nature 545:365, 2017). Future projects in the lab engage the use of biochemistry, molecular biology and genetic approaches, cell culture techniques and potentially mouse modeling. Therefore, energetic applicants with the strong experimental background in biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology and/or genetics are encouraged to apply.

Dr. Wei is looking for self-motivated individuals to become involved in the challenging and rewarding environment of the laboratory. If interested, please send your CV/resume and three references to:

Wenyi Wei, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Dept. of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
CLS-637, 3 Blackfan Circle
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: (617) 735-2495
Email: wwei2@bidmc.harvard.edu

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center、Harvard Medical School、Wenyi Wei 研究室では現在、ポストドクトラル・フェローを募集しています。Wenyi Wei 研究室ではタンパク質ユビキチン化、リン酸化、アセチル化、メチル化などのタンパク質修飾を軸に、発癌の分子機構の解明をテーマに研究を行っています 。博士過程を修了、あるいは修了見込みの方で、分子生物学、生化学、細胞生物学の実験手法を十分に習得されている方。その他、必要に応じて、マウスモデル、バイオインフォマティックスをはじめ、あらゆる手法を用います。独立して研究テーマを推進できる、意欲あふれる方の応募を期待しています。現在数名の日本人研究者が在籍していますので、研究以外の生活面でのサポートも安心してください。

応募方法:英文の CV(研究業績一覧を含める)と推薦者3名の氏名・連絡先リストを応募用 e-mail アドレス(wwei2@bidmc.harvard.edu)までお送りください。

なお日本語での質問等がございましたら、犬塚 博之 (hinuzuka@bidmc.harvard.edu)までお気軽にお問い合わせください。

投稿者:Wenyi Wei(wwei2@bidmc.harvard.edu)


Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute Postdoctral Position

Postdoctoral Position in Cancer Biology

I am looking to hire a postdoctoral fellow working on functional genomic models of
pediatric cancer – specifically rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS). Our objective is to better understand the molecular regulation of RMS so that we can identify novel drug targets.

The applicant should have strong expertise in molecular biology and tissue culture. Knowledge of cancer biology and previous experience with mouse models and/or epigenetics would be considered advantageous.

The position is available immediately but the start date is flexible. Preference is given to applicant who recently graduated their Ph.D.

Please send your CV and cover letter to: discovery@lunenfeld.ca

Posted by Rebecca Gladdy(discovery@lunenfeld.ca)


米国University of Georgia がんと幹細胞分野 ポスドク募集

ジョージア大学 生化学分子生物学部の伊藤研究室では、グラント取得に伴い博士研究員を募集しています。

私たちのラボでは、幹細胞とがんにおける細胞運命の制御機構に興味を持っています。主に造血系とRNA結合タンパクに注目し、マウスモデルやヒト検体を用いて正常幹細胞・がん幹細胞の細胞生物学・生化学的研究を行っています。 私たちの最近のホットトピックは「代謝と細胞運命制御」で、アミノ酸の代謝リプログラミングが白血病の悪性化とがん幹細胞の維持に重要であることを今年報告しました。


給与等は本学の博士研究員規定に準じます。医療保険等のfringe benefit(付加給付)有り。最長4年まで更新可。




(1) 履歴書と研究業績目録(書式自由)
(2) 照会可能な推薦者2-3名の御名前と連絡先リスト
(3) 自己アピール(書式自由。現在までの研究概要と今後の研究目標など。1~2ページ程度)


Hattori et al., Nature 545 (2017); Hattori et al., Leuk Res 54 (2017); Hattori et al., Adv Exp Med Biol 907 (2016); Zimdahl, Ito et al., Nat Genet 46 (2014); Ito et al., Cancer Cell 21 (2012); Ito et al., Nature 466 (2010).


伊藤 貴浩 Takahiro Ito, Ph.D.
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
University of Georgia, Athens GA 30602, USA
Ito (at) bmb.uga.edu [(at)を@に変更してください]



Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute Postdoctral Position

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Centrosome/cilia biology and high-throughput biology of cells and tissue.

Postdoctoral Fellowships are available in the Pelletier lab at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute in Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada. Our lab is interested in the molecular mechanisms that govern centrosome-related processes in human cells including centriole duplication, pericentriolar material assembly, ciliogenesis, cell motility and mitotic spindle formation. Our studies revolve around cutting-edge quantitative imaging approaches (from low- to super-resolution), high-content screening with emphasis on advanced morphometric measurements ranging from single cells to developing tissues/organoids. We remain keenly interested in the use of functional proteomics to systematically elucidate protein-protein interactions that are essential to maintain proper centrosome and cilia function during animal development. As such, we are especially interested in linking functional proteomics studies, genome-scale RNAi and CRISPR/Cas9 screens to understand, at the molecula!
r level, how centrosome-cilia related processes can go awry in cancer and other clinically relevant disorders like microcephaly and myriad ciliopathies and how their function ensures normal tissue homeostasis.

In this position, the successful applicants will be part of a vibrant, fast-paced, dynamic and multi-disciplinary environment with outstanding research infrastructure/support and will play an integral role in novel and ongoing projects within the laboratory. Applicants with experience in any of the following disciplines are preferred: single cell analytics and statistical approaches to quantitative microscopy; advanced cellular imaging modalities; proteomics and functional genomics. Outstanding applicants in the broader field of molecular and cellular biology will also be considered.

Candidates interested in this position should forward their Cover Letter, CV, and name/contact information of 3 referees to pelletier@lunenfled.ca.

Selected Publications:

1. Prosser, S.L., and Pelletier, L. (2017). Mitotic spindle assembly in animal cells: a fine balancing act. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 18, 187-201.
2. St-Denis, N., Gupta, G.D., Lin, Z.Y., Gonzalez-Badillo, B., Veri, A.O., Knight, J.D., Rajendran, D., Couzens, A.L., Currie, K.W., Tkach, J.M., et al. (2016). Phenotypic and Interaction Profiling of the Human Phosphatases Identifies Diverse Mitotic Regulators. Cell Rep 17, 2488-2501.
3. Yeh, C., Coyaud, E., Bashkurov, M., van der Lelij, P., Cheung, S.W., Peters, J.M., Raught, B., and Pelletier, L. (2015). The Deubiquitinase USP37 Regulates Chromosome Cohesion and Mitotic Progression. Curr Biol 25, 2290-2299.
4. Gupta, G.D., Coyaud, E., Goncalves, J., Mojarad, B.A., Liu, Y., Wu, Q., Gheiratmand, L., Comartin, D., Tkach, J.M., Cheung, S.W., et al. (2015). A Dynamic Protein Interaction Landscape of the Human Centrosome-Cilium Interface. Cell 163, 1484-1499.
5. Mennella, V., Agard, D.A., Huang, B., and Pelletier, L. (2014). Amorphous no more: subdiffraction view of the pericentriolar material architecture. Trends Cell Biol 24, 188-197.
6. Lawo, S., Hasegan, M., Gupta, G.D., and Pelletier, L. (2012). Subdiffraction imaging of centrosomes reveals higher-order organizational features of pericentriolar material. Nat Cell Biol 14, 1148-1158.

For more information visit:


Posted by Dr. Laurence Pelletier(pelletier@lunefeld.ca)


Oregon Health & Science Universityポスドク募集

Job Title:
Postdoctoral Researcher or Staff Scientist - Gene Therapy Vector Development Using Nonhuman Primates and Basic Research on Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV)

Oregon Health & Science University(OHSU、オレゴン州ポートランド)中井浩之研究室では、ポスドクあるいはスタッフ研究員を募集しています。当研究室の主たる研究テーマはadeno-associated virus (AAV、アデノ随伴ウィルス)を用いた遺伝子細胞治療の研究、新しいベクターの開発ですが、マウスおよび大型動物(サル、ブタ、ネコ、ウサギ)を使った前臨床研究だけでなく、治療に用いるウィルスそのものの分子生物学的研究にも力を入れています。当研究室はOregon National Primate Research Centerにも所属しており、学内、学外にわたり幅広い共同研究も行っています。研究室は10名程度で、研究員、ポスドク、大学院生、医学部生、研究補助員、大学生(undergraduate)・高校生インターンが様々な研究に取り組んでいます。ポートランドは、アメリカ北西海岸にある全米で最も住んでみたい都市にも選ばれている美しい都市でもあり、2-3年の留学を考えておられる方、あるいは5年もしくはそれ以上アメリカに残って自分の可能性を追求しようと考えておられる方、応募をお待ちしています。

Job Description:
The Nakai lab in the Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) School of Medicine in Portland (Oregon, USA) is seeking highly motivated and enthusiastic post-doctoral fellows or staff scientists to study AAV and develop novel AAV vectors for the central nervous system, eye, pancreatic islets, and liver-targeted gene therapy using small and large animals including nonhuman primates and innovative technologies. Successful candidates will join the lab of Professor Hiroyuki Nakai, M.D., Ph.D. and have a unique opportunity to conduct interdisciplinary collaborative research at OHSU and Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC).

The main research focuses of the Nakai lab are:

• AAV and other parvovirus vector biology - capsids, vector genomes and virus-host interactions
• AAV virology - assembly activating protein (AAP) and capsid assembly
• AAV antigen-antibody interactions
• Engineering of AAV and other parvoviruses to develop the next generation of gene delivery vectors
• Preclinical studies of gene therapy for the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) diseases, diabetes, inborn errors of metabolism, eye diseases, and hemophilia
• Development of a non-surgical method of sterilizing cats and dogs

The lab takes interdisciplinary approaches to solving these problems, utilizing both wet and dry lab techniques including the next generation sequencing (-seq approaches), mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, computer simulation, structural modeling, image reconstruction and registration as well as traditional molecular and cellular biology-based approaches. The lab also uses small and large animal models, including mice, cats, rabbits, pigs, monkeys and chimeric mice with human liver or pancreatic islets in collaboration with experts in each field. Successful candidates will join an interdisciplinary collaborative team and will be expected to lead several ongoing and new projects. They will also contribute to the training of graduate, undergraduate, and high school students, as well as research staff.

Required Qualifications:
• Doctoral degree in a relevant field
• Substantial knowledge and expertise in molecular biology
• Ability to perform multiple tasks and prioritize them
• Ability to organize and handle a large quantity of data
• Excellent creative thinking skills
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Strong enthusiasm for AAV and gene therapy research

Salary Range:
$47,484+ Commensurate with experience

How to apply:
Please send a cover letter and C.V. to Hiroyuki Nakai, M.D., Ph.D. (nakaih@ohsu.edu).

Oregon Health & Science University values a diverse and culturally competent workforce. We are proud of our commitment to being an equal opportunity, affirmative action organization that does not discriminate against applicants on the basis of any protected class status, including disability status and protected veteran status. Individuals with diverse backgrounds and those who promote diversity and a culture of inclusion are encouraged to apply. To request reasonable accommodation, contact the Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Department at 503-494-5148 or aaeo@ohsu.edu.

投稿者:Hiroyuki Nakai(nakaih@ohsu.edu)


テキサス大学Health Science Center at San Antonioポスドク募集

テキサス大学Health Science Center at San Antonioの同僚のPIがポスドクを募集しています。以下が募集広告になります。ご不明な点があれば、担当者へ直接お問い合わせください。

Postdoc Positions Focusing on Gene Regulation in Cancer Progression

Multiple postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Jason Liu (http://molecularmedicine.uthscsa.edu/FAC_Research.aspx?facID=206) in the Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). The focus of the lab is studying enhancer function and epigenetic mechanism in gene regulation in cancer progression. Selected candidates will perform highly interdisciplinary and collaborative scientific research in one or more of the following projects, working with human cell lines, mouse models and clinical samples:

(1) Explore the function of signaling-regulated enhancers in breast and prostate cancers, and understand how enhancers are regulated by the crosstalk of different signaling pathways including sex hormones, inflammation signals and metabolic signals;

(2) Decipher the epigenetic and chromatin 3D level changes in enhancers upon developmental/pathological stimuli or during hormone/drug resistance acquisition;

(3) Identify diagnostic/prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets for cancer and develop drugs for pre-clinical studies and potential clinical applications.

Our research integrates next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based technologies and bioinformatics tools to investigate the component, epigenetic, and 3D level changes of enhancers in cancers (refer to Cell, 2014 159: 358–373). We are efficiently combining biochemical, cellular, and animal model-related studies with different NGS-based assays. Our research program will help the trainees from both wet and dry lab sides to build up strong expertise and training record in molecular biology and multi-omics (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, epigenomics and metabolomics).

Positions require a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in biochemistry, cell biology, cancer biology, bioinformatics, or closely related biological sciences. The candidates need to have high motivation and strong molecular biology background. Any prior experience in patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models, breast/prostate cancer, and computational analyses will be valued.

San Antonio is one of the fastest growing cities. The UTHSCSA is the largest university of health science in South Texas and one of four medical schools in the UT System. The affiliated Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CTRC) is one of the NCI-designated national cancer centers in the state of Texas. A competitive salary and benefits package will be provided.

To apply:
Please send the application package in one single pdf file including a cover letter briefly describing your previous experience and your future research interest/plan, curriculum vitae with list of publications, and contact information of at least three references to the following email. You are also welcome to send any inquiries or questions you might have.

Contact information:
Dr. Jason Liu
Department of Molecular Medicine
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX, 78229-3900
Email: LiuZ7@uthscsa.edu
Institution Web Site: http://molecularmedicine.uthscsa.edu/index.aspx

"All Postdoctoral appointments are designated as security sensitive positions."
"The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer including protected veterans and persons with disabilities."



Temple University School of Medicine, Department of Physiology (Philadelphia)ポスドク募集

私の所属するTemple University School of Medicine, Department of Physiology (Philadelphia)で教授のRosario Scalia PhDがNIH RO1 grant 取得に伴い新たにPostdoctoral Fellow を 募集致します。このgrantではmicrocirculationにおける血管炎症誘導のメカニズムを中心に研究の予定です。以下の英文広告をご参照ください。

Postdoctoral position
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Temple University School of Medicine, Independence Blue Cross Cardiovascular Research Center.
Project Title: The role of acute high fat meal on vascular signal transduction and endothelial inflammation in micro-circulation.
Position Type: Postdoctoral Position at an Academic Institution
My laboratory is looking for a post-doctoral fellow (commitment for 2 years or more) to conduct collaborative in vitro and in vivo research experiments focused on the signal transduction mechanisms of cardiovascular and adipose inflammation. Cutting-edge cell biological and biochemical approaches, genetic mouse models, large animal models and human tissue specimens will be employed during the training period. Applicants must have a Ph.D. or M.D. degree. Two positions are currently available with full financial support (NIH standard) up to 3-4 years.

Preferred Qualifications:
1. Familiarity with at least one of the followings: molecular biology, organelle/cell biology, biochemistry, mouse models, intravital microscopy, and surgical skills.
2. Publication record in biomedical journals.

Rosario Scalia, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Temple University School of Medicine
Department of Physiology
Independence Blue Cross Cardiovascular Research Center
3500 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140
イタリア系で陽気なScarlia先生のラボは比較的小さなラボですがNIH Grantの事実上の更新に伴って日本人研究者を募集しています。基礎研究を目指す方にも臨床のバックグラウンドの方(循環器内科、血管外科等)にもおすすめです。

応募あるいは興味、質問のある方はCV (PDF)を添付して下記メールアドレスまで 気軽に連絡してください。よろしくお願いします。


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