
Roswell Park Cancer Institute Postdoctral Position

Great Opportunity for Long Term CAREER in USA for Japanese Postdocs.
A new postdoctoral position for a highly motivated individual is open at the Center for Immunotherapy, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York State at the laboratory of Dr. Koya.
Our lab focuses on Cellular Immunotherapy for Cancer. The research will focus on development of novel immunotherapies for cancer based on genetically engineered T lymphocytes, stem cells and/or cellular components of the tumor microenvironment ranging from wet lab work, mouse models, up to clinical trials. Strong support for career development and advancement after postdoctoral will be further provided with good performance.
Requirements are a Ph.D. or M.D. with background in Immunology or Molecular Biology (Either one would be OK). Knowledge in immune assays, FACS, cell culture, PCR, mice handling, cell transfections or molecular biology are points considered for evaluation. Hands-on knowledge in Bioinformatics and microarray analysis software will be considered a plus but not necessary.
Interested candidates please send a CV or personal summary to : Dr. Richard Koya (richard.koya@roswellpark.org). Our center has already Japanese nationals and the principal investigator speaks Japanese, so a smooth transition is expected.
Richard C. Koya, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Oncology and Immunology
Director of the Vector Development & Production Facility
Associate Director of Roswell Park Cancer Institute Center for Immunotherapy
Elm and Carlton Streets, CCC-419
Buffalo, NY, 14263
Phone: (716) 845-1300, ext. 6582

Posted by Richard Koya(richard.koya@roswellpark.org)


京都大学医学部医学研究科 免疫ゲノム医学講座助教、准教授募集

昨年ノーベル生理・医学賞を受賞した京都大学 医学研究科 免疫ゲノム医学 本庶佑研究室にてがん免疫や自己免疫研究に関して、助教、准教授を募集いたします。下記に募集の要項をお示しいたします。今後、京都大学や関連施設 (新設含む)にてがん免疫研究、自己免疫研究を重点的に拡充していく予定です。ぜひ応募ください。

職種  特定准教授または特定助教(特定有期雇用職員)

募集人員 1~数名

勤務場所 京都大学大学院医学研究科(京都市左京区吉田近衛町)

所属   京都大学大学院医学研究科 免疫ゲノム医学講座
職務内容 ・PD-1抗体によるがん免疫治療の分子機構

専門分野 免疫学・分子生物学が望ましいが、バイオインフォマティックス等幅広く考慮する

応募資格 専門分野での博士の学位を有すること。

雇用期間 採用決定後、できるだけ早い時期(応相談)から。令和2年3月

勤務形態 専門型裁量労働制(1日7時間45分相当)

給与等 本学支給基準に基づき、能力・経歴により決定(年俸制)

手当 なし

社会保険 文部科学省共済組合、雇用保険および労災保険に加入

応募書類 1.履歴書

応募締切 適任者がみつかり次第終了。

選考方法 書類審査を行います。面接を行うことがありますが、その場合の詳

〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田近衛町
京都大学大学院医学研究科 免疫ゲノム医学講座 教授 本庶 佑
E-Mail: honjo@mfour.med.kyoto-u.ac.jp
TEL: 075-753-4371

その他 ・応募書類の受領後、数日以内にメールで受領を通知します。
・ 応募書類は返却しません。
・ 応募書類は採用審査のみに使用します。正当な理由なく第三者へ
・ 適任の候補者が得られない場合には、最終候補者を選考しないこ 



The Wistar Institute Postdoctral Position

A Postdoctoral Fellow position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Dmitry Gabrilovich at The Wistar Institute to study the cellular and molecular biology of myeloid cells, primarily myeloid-derived suppressor cells and macrophages in cancer patients and tumor-bearing mice with special emphasis on the study of lipid metabolism including therapeutic targeting. The research activities are focused on both experiments with mice and human samples. Successful candidates are expected to be experienced in immunological and molecular biological techniques. A strong expertise in flow cytometry is also necessary.

The list of Dr. Gabrilovich publications can be found at
Representative recent publications of Dr. Gabrilovich:
Nature. 2019 May;569(7754):73-78
Clin Cancer Res. 2019 May 1;25(9):2783-2794
Nat Immunol. 2018 Nov;19(11):1236-1247
Cancer Res. 2018 Oct 1;78(19):5644-5655

Highly motivated candidates should have a PhD (or equivalent) degree or should be close to obtaining their doctoral degree.

Interested individuals should email their cover letter summarizing background and interests, and curriculum vitae directly to Dr. Gabrilovich by email: dgabrilovich@wistar.org. Candidates are kindly asked to also apply online by visiting our employment web page at http://www.wistar.org/the-institute/employment.

The Wistar Institute is located in the University City area of Philadelphia, in the heart of the University of Pennsylvania Campus. Wistar provides resources to its faculty and staff that enable them to conduct cutting edge collaborative research and provides for outstanding intellectual environments and state-of-the-art facilities. Research discoveries conducted at Wistar have led to the development of vaccines; the identification of genes associated with cancers; and the development of many other significant research technologies and tools.

For more information about The Wistar Institute visit our website at www.wistar.org.

Posted by Ayumi Hashimoto(ahashimoto@wistar.org)

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