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University of Cincinnati Med Ctr ポスドク募集


研究分野:Cardiovascular, Stem/progenitor Cell Research (テーマは心血管関係に限ります。)

研究費:現在、NIH grantが3つあり、比較的裕福なラボです。

採用条件:MD/PhD, MD or PhD
時 期:いつでも可

給 与:$34000/year 以上、研究経験によりupも可。



Muhammad Ashraf, Ph.D

Division of Regenerative Medicine

Department of Pathology
University of Cincinnati Med Ctr

231 Albert Sabin Way

Cincinnati, OH 45267


実は、私自身も再生医療関係の研究をしておりまして、ある学会でこのDr. Ashrafと知り合いになり、彼が日本人留学生を探していることを知りました。これまでにもDr. Ashrafの代わりにこのサイトで2回募集させていただき、現在までに7人の日本人留学生の方々を紹介させていただきましたが、新たにiPS細胞関連のNIHグラントが獲得されたため新規募集に至りました。
興味のある方は、お気軽に私の方まで連絡をお願いいたします。Dr. Ashrafと連絡を取りながら、詳細な情報などを追ってお知らせいたします。(このラボに留学経験のある日本人の方々も紹介させていただきますので、生の声もお聞きになれます。)
以下の英文がDr. Ashrafからのメッセージ原文になります。

Job Title: Post-doctoral and Research Scientist positions
Job Description:
The Division of Regenerative Medicine at the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine , University of Cincinnati is seeking suitable candidates to fill Postdoctoral and Research Scientist positions available immediately. Candidates should have MD or PhD degree in medical sciences. The work is related to Generation of integration and teratoma free iPS cells by use of epigenetic modifiers/small molecules and microRNAs for repair of infarcted heart

A comprehensive and in depth array of projects will be investigated with the use of state-of-the-art and innovative approaches which integrate multiple disciplines to provide the best possible chance of success. These cells or other stem cells including cardiac resident stem cells will be later used for the treatment of experimentally induced myocardial infarction. The applicant should have a previous experience in cell and tissue culture, basic molecular biology techniques, small animal surgery for the development of experimental myocardial infarction model, cardiac function measurement and its analysis by pressure volume loop or echocardiography. In addition, the candidate should be knowledgeable with stem cell biology, including cellular and molecular studies of the cell migration, proliferation, and prevention of cell death, electron microscopy and immunohistochemical techniques. Salary commensurates with experience. Fringe benefits include full health coverage for the !
family. Please submit CV to Dr Masaaki Ii.


伊井 正明(イイ マサアキ/Masaaki Ii, MD, PhD)@大阪医科大学 薬理学教室 幹細胞治療研究グループ

Email: masa0331@mac.com

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