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University of Marburg大学院博士課程(給料付き)の学生の募集


このたび、私の友人のKarim Bouazoune博士はグラントを獲得したことにより博士課程の大学院生を募集しております。修士課程修了相当の経験が必要とされますが、給料が支払われるポジションで、税金や保険、退職金などを控除したあと月々約17万円ほどが受け取れるようです。

彼は大変な親日家で、とてもフレンドリーな性格の持ち主です。マールブルグ大学はグリム兄弟が卒業した大学としても知られております。Alexander Brehm教授のラボで、一緒に研究をして学位を取得してみませんか?


Open PhD position (with salary) in Chromatin and Cancer Research

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to work on the Identification of potential chromatin remodeling factor drug targets in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common type of aggressive blood cancer in adults. The standard treatment for AML has been developed in the early 1970s and, since then, very little progress has been made to improve the overall 5-year patient survival rate (which is about 25%). In this research project, we aim to identify chromatin factors that can potentially serve as novel targets for therapies in AML.

The project will require using recombinant lentiviruses, cell lines and tumor samples from patients. A previous experience with cell culture is therefore desirable. Mastering molecular biology techniques (e.g. cloning) is required. Applications from students with different skills, but having shown adaptability, may be considered.

Our research group is located at the Institute for Molecular Biology and Tumour Research (IMT) of the University of Marburg. The institute provides a state-of-the-art and international environment. Applicants should have a Master’s degree or equivalent in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology or Genetics. A strong interest in basic research and good communication skills in English are a prerequisite.

To find out more about the project, please, send a motivation letter, a CV and the names of, at least, one referee (as a merged PDF file) to Dr. Karim Bouazoune (karim.bouazoune@imt.uni-marburg.de).


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