
Division of Developmental Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center ポスドク募集

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 吉田研究室はポスドク研究員を募集しています。当研究室では、分子生物学、マウス遺伝学、電気生理学、optogenetics、行動解析などを用いて、運動系の神経回路の研究を進めています。

1) Gu et al., Neuron, in press
2) Ueno et al., Nature Neuroscience (2016), 19, 784-787.
3) Imai et al., Journal of Neuroscience (2016), 36, 5724-5735.
4) Imai et al., Cell Reports (2016), 17, 2163-2172.
5) Fukuhara et al., Cell Reports (2013), 5, 748-758.
6) Katayama et al., Development (2013), 140, 3139-3145.
7) Katayama et al., Journal of Neuroscience (2012), 32, 10396-10407.
8) Leslie et al., Development (2011), 138, 4085-4095.
9) Katayama et al., PNAS (2011), 108, 7607-7612.
10) Pecho-Vrieseling et al., Nature (2009), 459, 842-846.
11) Yoshida et al., Neuron (2006), 52, 775-788.
12) Gu et al., Science (2005), 307, 265-268.

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039



Yutaka Yoshida, PhD
Associate Professor
Division of Developmental Biology
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
e-mail: yutaka.yoshida@cchmc.org

投稿者:吉田 富(yutaka.yoshida@cchmc.org)


Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 研究員の募集


Research positions available (pathologist, anatomic pathologist, diagnostic pathologist, computational biologist, bioinformatician; other experts can be considered)

I am seeking candidates for research positions (pathologist, computational biologist, and/or bioinformatician) in my laboratory at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI), Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), and Harvard Medical School, in Boston, MA, USA. Salary can be offered if a candidate has specific skills and expertise (such as Pathology, Computational Biology, and Bioinformatics). A position may be a research scientist or postdoctoral fellow. A new lab member will be affiliated with Program in MPE Molecular Pathological Epidemiology at BWH. A new computational biologist/bioinformatician will also be affiliated with Center for Cancer Computational Biology (CCCB) at DFCI. Candidates in other areas can be considered; other areas include epidemiology, biostatistics, molecular biology, immunology, microbiology, and clinical medicine. Candidates with funding support will be highly considered, but candidates without funding will a!
lso be considered.

My laboratory is The "Molecular Pathological Epidemiology" (MPE) Laboratory, which is a very unique, interdisciplinary multi-institutional laboratory. I have been selected to receive 7-year funding of the Outstanding Investigator Award (OIA) from NIH/NCI (2015-2022; http://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R35-CA197735-01). I established an integrative science of MPE (Ogino et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010; Ogino et al. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2011; Field et al. JAMA 2013; etc), and founded the International MPE Meeting Series. I recently hosted The 3rd International Molecular Pathological Epidemiology (MPE) Meeting on May 12-13, 2016, and it concluded as a resounding success. Indeed, I have been making history of MPE. In terms of disease areas, my lab has been working on colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors. We have been working on “immune-MPE”, “pharmaco-MPE”, MPE method development, and integration of MPE and oth!
er areas such as causal inference, health communication, and comparative effectiveness research. We have been utilizing resources of the Nurses' Health Study (following 121,700 women since 1976), the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (following 51,500 men since 1986), GECCO (Genetics and Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer Consortium), Alliance trials, and other resources. For more information, please visit these links.

Please email me (shuji_ogino@dfci.harvard.edu) your CV or any inquiry. Please pass this information to anyone who may be interested. Please note that I may not reply to all inquiries.

Selected original publications:

X Liao et al. NEJM 2012; R Nishihara et al. NEJM 2013; AT Chan et al. NEJM 2007; E Barry et al. Nature 2013; R Straussman et al. Nature 2012; M Giannakis et al. Nat Genet 2014; R Nishihara et al. JAMA 2013; T Morikawa et al. JAMA 2011; AT Chan et al. JAMA 2009; K Nosho et al. Gastroenterology 2009; K Nosho et al. J Pathol 2010; S Fink et al. Sci Transl Med 2014; ZR Qian et al. J Clin Oncol 2013; A Kostic et al. Genome Res 2012; M Song et al. JNCI 2015; K Inamura et al. JNCI 2014; P Lochhead et al. JNCI 2013; S Ogino et al. JNCI 2013; A Kuchiba et al. JNCI 2012; M Song et al. Gut 2016; M Yamauchi et al. Gut 2012; K Mima et al. Cancer Immunol Res 2015; K Mima et al. JAMA Oncol 2015; K Inamura et al. JNCI 2016; K Mima et al. Gut 2016; M Song et al. JAMA Oncol 2016; R Mehta et al. JAMA Oncol 2017; M Giannakis et al. Cell Reports 2016, etc.


ボストンにある私のThe Molecular Pathological Epidemiology (MPE) Laboratory分子病理疫学研究室で研究室員(pathologist, anatomic pathologist, diagnostic pathologist, computational biologist, bioinformatician)を募集しています。私のMPE研究室は中心はDana-Farber Cancer Instituteに位置しながらハーバード大学関連のいくつかの施設(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Harvard Medical School)にまたがって存在し、機能しています(従来のラボの概念を超越しています)。私は日本人で現在唯一のNCI R35 Outstanding Investigator Award (OIA) Grant 保持者のようです(http://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R35-CA197735-01)。ポジションとしては常任研究員、ポスドクのいずれかが可能で、Program in MPE Molecular Pathological Epidemiology (Brigham and Women’s Hospital)にも属することになります。経験、能力(特にPathology, Computational biology/bioinformaticsの能力)に応じて、自前のグラ��ントなしでも給与のサポートすることも可能です。自前のグラント(フェローシップ等)サポートがありますと、ポジションをオファーする可能性が高まります。Computational biologist/bioinformaticianの方はDana-Farber Cancer InstituteのCenter for Cancer Computational Biology (CCCB)にも所属して頂きます。その他、Epidemiology、Biostatistics、Molecular Biology、Immunology, Microbiology, 臨床医学のbackgroundを持つ方も考慮しており、得意な分野・経験を生かしていただきます。プロジェクトは大腸癌、膵臓癌、消化器内分泌腫瘍のMolecular Pathological Epidemiology (MPE、分子病理疫学)、Immuno-MPE(免疫分子病理疫学)、Pharmaco-MPE (薬理分子病理疫学)、 病気を限定しないMPE解析手法の開発、あるいはMPEと他の分野とのあらたな統合分野の設立と多岐にわたります。ラボメンバーのCareer Developmentのサポートも充実しています(このリンクをご覧ください http://uja-info.org/findingourway/post/1484/)。私の指導のもとで��、人にもよりますが、2年間の研究留学で、筆頭著者でおよそ�
2!]4本の高質の論文を出していますし、Co-First Authorship をとれることが多いです。これまでの2年間いたポスドクの最高記録は8本の筆頭著者論文です(Co-first author論文をいれると15本を超えるでしょうか)。

MPEは私が創造した学問分野で、その名が示すとおり、分子病理学と疫学の統合という新しい学問分野です(S Ogino et al. JNCI 2010; S Ogino et al. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2011; A Field et al. JAMA 2013; etc)。私は2016年5月に第3回国際分子病理疫学学会を主催し、成功させ、すでに第4回国際分子病理疫学学会を2018年5月に計画中です。このように分子病理疫学の歴史を作っています。

私のラボでは大規模な前向き疫学コホートを使って大腸癌と膵臓癌の様々な分子異常の疫学的病因を研究しています。ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院とBrigham and Women’s Hospitalではこれまで当初は健康な12万人の女性を40年(Nurses' Health Study、http://www.channing.harvard.edu/nhs/)、5万人の男性を30年(Health Professionals Follow-up Study、http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hpfs/)追跡して、病気の発生を疫学的に研究してきました。他にも様々なコホート、コンソーシアム(GECCO)あるいはデータベースを駆使して研究を進めています。我々のMPE Researchの強みは最近のさまざまな論文で示されています(上に主要な論文を列挙しました)。分子病理疫学と私の研究室についてはこれらのサイトをご覧ください。

Shuji Ogino, MD, PhD, MS
NCI R35 (Outstanding Investigator Award)-funded Investigator
Chief, Program in MPE Molecular Pathological Epidemiology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Professor of Pathology and Epidemiology
Harvard Medical School
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health



The University of Texas Health San Antonioポスドク募集

2017年2月よりテキサス大学ヘルスサイエンスセンターサンアントニオ校(以下UTHSA)のDepartment of Cellular and Integrative Physiology(http://physiology.uthscsa.edu/)にてPIとしてラボを立ち上げました。それに伴いポスドクを一名募集しています。

Fujikawa Labでは中枢神経系がどのように代謝を調節しているのか、マウスをモデル生物とし遺伝子工学(Cre/LoxP, Optogenetics, DREADD等)、神経解剖学(免疫染色法、In situ ハイブリダイゼーション等)、分子生物学(CRISPR等)、各種手術技法(脳内投与や局所投与)、電気生理学などを用いて解明していく予定です。特にインスリン欠損下、および運動時(運動後)、更には低酸素下、低温度下などという”特殊”な代謝環境下(メタボリックチャレンジ下)での中枢神経系の適応応答制御についての研究を中心に行っていきます。(参考論文 PMID 24011077, 20855609, 25870537, 27874828)








給与(stipend)はNIHおよびUTHSAの規定によります。下記のNIHの2017年度の給与水準を参考して頂ければと思います。Projected Stipend for FY 2017という項目を参照してください。例えばPh.D.取得直後では$47,484となる予定です。下記にも書いていますが、サンアントニオは物価や賃貸の値段が安いので、十分余裕をもって生活できる額です。http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-16-131.html





まで下記の書類を(PDF形式: 英語が望ましいですが日本語でも可)にて送って下さい。

CV (学歴、論文リスト、2~3名のreferenceの名前およびemailアドレスを含めて下さい)

これまで、および将来行ってみたい研究概要(1-2 pages程度)


• サンアントニオについて


藤川 哲兵

One postdoctoral fellow position is immediately available in Dr. Fujikawa’s lab at the Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology, UT Health San Antonio (UTHSA; http://physiology.uthscsa.edu/). A successful candidate will investigate the mechanism by which the central nervous system (CNS) regulates metabolic homeostasis.

We will focus on following areas 1) the role of CNS in the regulation of glucose homeostasis independently of insulin, and 2) the role of CNS in the regulation of metabolism, especially skeletal muscle function, during/post exercise. We utilize genetically engineered techniques (Cre/LoxP, optogenetics, chemogenetics DREADDs), neuroanatomical methods (immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization), molecular biology (CRISPR/Cas9), several surgical techniques (icv injection and targeted microinjection), and electrophysiology. (References; please search by PMID 24011077, 20855609, 25870537, 27874828)

We are looking for highly motivated and enthusiastic talents. The candidate should have excellent commutation skills, and be self-motivated, quick-learner, and importantly a team player. We don’t ask candidates any particular research background however who has experiences of mice or rats study will be preferred. Minimum requirements are 1) Ph.D., Ph.D./M.D, or M.D. with experiences of research. The applicants who anticipate to defense their thesis in near future are also eligible and welcome. 2) Fundamental English skills in order to get US VISA.

Salary, Benefits, & Career development
100% research effort
Salary (stipend) will be paid according to UTHSA and NIH guideline. Please see following URL http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-16-131.html.
As a living cost in San Antonio is relatively cheaper than other big cities, the salary will be competitive.

Benefit will include fundamental health insurance, matching pension, and etc.

The successful applicant will be supported to attend conferences based on his/her progress. I highly recommend the successful applicant will obtain their fellowship, and own grant. I will fully support these process.

Please send following documents as combined single PDF to Teppei Fujikawa (fujikawa@uthscsa.edu).
CV including education list, publication list and a couple of name and email address of references
Summary of previous and current research and future plan (1-2 pages)

After screening of these documents, the finalists will be interviewed with skype.

San Antonio
San Antonio is located in Texas USA and 7th biggest population city in USA (2nd in Texas). San Antonio is ranked top ten cities among all USA metropolitan cities as the most growing city (https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/MetroMonitor.pdf). Despite such the fastest economic growing and big population city, the living cost is really affordable for postdoc rank researchers. The rent fee is quite cheap even inside Texas (https://www.apartmentlist.com/rentonomics/december-2015-texas-apartment-list-rent-report/). San Antonio has great restaurants, historic monuments and many outside activities. Austin, another economically fast growing and one of the most cool culture cities in USA, is located in one and half hour drive range. Houston, the biggest Asian population city in Texas, is in 2 hours driving range.

Please feel free to ask any questions and concerns regarding the position.

Teppei Fujikawa, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor 
UT Health San Antonio
Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology
7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio
Texas 78229-3900 Mail Code: 7756
Office 3.029V Lab 3.068V
Phone: +1-210-450-8253

Posted by Teppei Fuijkawa(fujikawa@uthscsa.edu)


Oxford University, Department of Biochemistry Postdoctral Position



Postdoctoral position – Towards deciphering mechanisms of transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulation in eukaryotic cells

We are looking for highly motivated postdoctoral scientist with an interest in gene regulation. The proposed projects will utilize state-of-the-art biochemistry and structural approaches combined with the functional genome-wide analysis to understand how transcription factors and chromatin modifiers regulate transcription of protein-coding and non-coding genes in yeast and mammalian cells. The structural study will be done as a part of existing productive collaboration with Jonathan Grimes laboratory at STRUBi (Oxford) (Wittmann et al., 2017 Nature Communication, in press). Candidates trained in protein purification, RNA analysis, and mammalian cell culture are encouraged to apply. Basic knowledge of bioinformatics is beneficial. Applicants should have or will shortly obtain a PhD and are expected to be highly motivated, have at least one first authorship publication, show excellent critical thinking and good communication skills and have the ability to work as part of a tea!
Interested applicant should contact Dr Lidia Vasiljeva directly:

Dr. Lidia Vasiljeva: lidia.vasilieva@bioch.ox.ac.uk
Lab web site: http://www.bioch.ox.ac.uk/aspsite/index.asp?pageid=675

Posted by Lidia Vasilieva(lidia.vasilieva@bioch.ox.ac.uk)



 ハーバード大学医学部マサチューセッツ総合病院シグナル伝達研究室(PI: 金木正夫、Masao Kaneki)では、ポスドクを1-2 名募集しています。この度、NIHグラント(R01GM117298) のサポートを受けている新しいタイプの好中球の遊走異常に関する研究を一緒に進めてくれるポスドクを募集しています。

 私の研究室では、「炎症反応と代謝変容(the Warburg-like effect)の”複合体”であるmetabolic inflammationが様々な病気を惹き起している」という作業仮説に基づき、細胞内情報伝達の観点から、敗血症(重症感染症)、熱傷、糖尿病、癌、動脈硬化などの新しい予防・治療法を開発する研究を進めてきました。その中で、タンパクの翻訳後修飾であるファルネシル化がmetabolic inflammatory complexのネットワークのhub(結節点)としての役割を果たしていることを見出しています。そうした研究の中で、新しいタイプの好中球の遊走異常を見つけ、そのメカニズムを解明することにより、敗血症(重症感染症)や糖尿病など、様々な病気の治療法の開発につなげようと考えています。
 Masao Kaneki

[応募資格] ポスドク: Ph.D.あるいはM.D., Ph.D.取得者、または、取得見込みの方。
[待遇] Massachusetts General Hospital の規定に準拠
[赴任時期] 随時(2017年のできるだけ早い時期に赴任できる方を探していますが、相談して下さい)
[提出書類] CV(履歴書)をemailでmkaneki@helix.mgh.harvard.eduまで送って下さい。

Masao Kaneki (金木正夫), M.D., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
Director, Signal Transduction Laboratory
Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
149 Thirteenth Street, Room 6604, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA
Phone: 617-726-8122;
Fax: 617-726-8134
URL: http://www.massgeneral.org/anesthesia/research/researchlab.aspx?id=1535; https://connects.catalyst.harvard.edu/Profiles/display/Person/83527
NIH Grant (R01GM117298): https://projectreporter.nih.gov/project_info_description.cfm?aid=9239112&icde=33414061&ddparam=&ddvalue=&ddsub=&cr=2&csb=default&cs=ASC&pball=





研究所 腫瘍生物学分野
研究員 (任期付き常勤職員) 1名



(勤務時間)勤務日:週5日(月~金曜日、土日祝日を除く)、勤務時間:週38時間45分、フレックスタイム:午前5時から午後10時まで ※コアタイム:午前10時から午後3時まで、基本勤務時間:午前8時30分から午後17時15分



(1)履歴書(写真添付) ※自作・市販のもの(A3またはA4判)で結構です。
(2)業務に関連する免許証、認定証等の写し(要応募資格のもの) ※A4判に縮小
※任意書式(A4判) 履歴書内への記載でも構いません。
(5)研究業績調書 ※業績のある場合



〒104-0045 東京都中央区築地5-1-1
TEL:03-3542-2511 (内線:2119)

提出書類は封筒に「研究所 腫瘍生物学分野 研究員(常勤)応募書類」と朱書きし、簡易書留など受け取り確認のできる方法にてお送りください。




金沢大学医学部免疫学分野 助教募集


華山 力成
〒920-8640 石川県金沢市宝町13-1
E-mail: hanayama[アット]med.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

ラボのHP: http://immunology.w3.kanazawa-u.ac.jp



Massachusetts General Hospital - Harvard Postdoctral Position

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cancer Immunology at Harvard:
Postdoctoral position available immediately in Center for Cancer Immunology at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School to study the mechanisms of immune regulation of early cancer development. Interested candidates who have previous experience in immunology and cancer biology should send their CV and the name of 2-3 references to Dr. Shawn Demehri. Expertise in genomics, immunological, biochemical, and mice experimentations are considered essential for this position. Please email your application to: sdemehri1@mgh.harvard.edu

Posted by Shawn Demehri, MD, PhD(sdemehri1@mgh.harvard.edu)

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