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Duke University School of Medicineポスドク募集

Department of Cell Biology, Duke University School of Medicine の Tata Lab では現在 2 名の博士研究員を募集しています。当研究室では様々な single-cell sequencing 技術や細胞系譜追跡マウスモデルを駆使した呼吸器幹細胞に関する研究、ならびに腫瘍形成モデルマウスを用いた各種肺がん研究等を進めています。勤務地はリサーチトライアングルエリアに位置し、同エリア内の University of North Carolina チャペルヒル校の Lung institute と連携することで human samples が高頻度で入手可能な環境にあるため、ヒトの呼吸器疾患研究に携わることも可能です。研究主宰者 Purushothama Rao Tata はコラボレーション研究にも力を入れており、デューク大学内外との共同研究への積極的参加が可能です。生活費は大都市部に比べると低く抑えられ、家族での渡米に際しても金銭面での負荷は限定的です。来年度より私を含めて在籍日本人ポスドクが計3人となる予定で、渡米直後の生活面でのアドバイス/サポートも可能です。興味のある方は purushothamarao.tata@duke.edu にご応募ください。インフォメーションについては日本語または英語で yoshi.kobayashi@duke.edu に送っていただいても構いません。

Postdoctoral research fellow positions:

The Tata lab at the Department of Cell Biology, Duke University School of Medicine has two openings for postdoctoral researchers to study cellular plasticity mechanisms in lung injury repair and tumorigenesis. We seek to understand the genetic and epigenetic basis of organ regeneration and tumorigenesis. We study the properties of stem/progenitor cells in diverse epithelial tissues (with a primary focus on lung) and their relationships with neighboring tissues in pathophysiological conditions. We utilize genetic, live imaging, cell biological and next generation sequencing technologies to study the behavior of tissues at single cell level. We offer an inspiring intellectual, collaborative and multidisciplinary research environment to support your career goals and provide access to state-of-the-art facilities. Candidates with back ground knowledge and hands-on experience in transcriptional regulation and bioinformatics skills are particularly welcome.


- A PhD or MD/PhD (or equivalent) in biological sciences (biology, biochemistry, cell biology or a related field).
- Strong research background in transcriptional regulation, cell biology, molecular biology, mouse models of cancer, and/or biochemistry. Prior experience in stem cells, chromatin biology and bioinformatics is advantageous.
- Evidence of successful completion of a research project (publications)
- An ability to work independently; interpret, present and discuss experimental data
- Excellent communications skills
To apply, please submit a cover letter (less than a page) that includes a short summary of interests, a CV, and the contact information of 3 professional references to Dr. Purushothama Rao Tata (purushothamarao.tata@duke.edu). Applications will be reviewed until positions are filled. The positions are available immediately.

Relevant literatures:

1. Tata P.R. et al., Nature, 2013
2. Pardo. A*, Tata P.R.* et al., Nature, 2015
3. Tata A. et al., Cell Stem Cell, 2018
4. Tata P.R. et al., Developmental Cell, 2018

投稿者:小林 芳彦(yoshi.kobayashi@duke.edu)

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