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Mayo Clinic, Molecular Medicine ポスドク募集

アメリカ最大規模の総合病院、メイヨークリニックの分子医療部門(Cattaneoラボ)において、リンフォーマに対するウイルス療法の研究に携われるポスドクを募集しております。分子ウイルス学、または免疫学の分野で学位を修得された方を優先する予定です。Dr. Cattaneoは、RNAウイルス、特に麻疹ウイルスの研究で優れた業績を残しています。詳細は以下のURL(http://mayoresearch.mayo.edu/mayo/research/staff/cattaneo_r.cfm.)を参考にしてください。


Mayo Clinic - Molecular Medicine Program - Postdoctoral position

Armed and targeted viruses for lymphoma therapy

A post-doctoral position is available immediately to join a research team (Cattaneo group) that has generated armed and targeted measles viruses and is testing their oncolytic efficacy in Burkitt and mantle cell lymphoma models. Candidates are expected to have a recent PhD and a strong background in molecular virology or immunology. The scientist recruited will work in a strongly interactive, collaborative and collegial research environment. Ongoing clinical trials and state-of-the-art facilities, including GMP-compliant virus manufacturing, support timely clinical translation. For more information visit http://mayoresearch.mayo.edu/mayo/research/staff/cattaneo_r.cfm.

Review of applications begins July 2, 2007. Interested individuals should directly email their curriculum vitae, research interest, and addresses of three referees to koble.hannah@mayo.edu.

投稿者:Yasuhiro Ikeda

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