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ニュージャージー州立ラトガース大学 ポスドク募集

米国ニュージャージー州立ラトガース大学、Eric Lam教授の研究室では博士研究員を募集しています。興味のある方は気軽にLam教授へコンタクトをとられるようお勧めします。Lam教授はやる気に満ち、新しい事にチャレンジしてみたい方からの応募を強く希望されています。現在、学振特別研究員で海外研究経験を積まれたい方からの応募も大歓迎です。現在日本に滞在されている外国人研究者の方々からの応募も大歓迎です

A POSTDOCTORAL POSITION is available at the Biotech Center, Rutgers University, in the laboratory of Prof. Eric Lam (http://aesop.rutgers.edu/~lamlab) for a highly motivated scientist interested in studying chromatin organization and global regulation of genes via epigenetic control.  Recently, we have established a set of about 300 mapped lines of novel transposants in Arabidopsis with single Ds insertions that allows functional and structural characterization of global epigenetic control in living plants.  This unique resource promises to reveal interesting new insights to the complex network of the epigenome using Arabidopsis as a paradigm.  The successful applicant will apply this collection of lines to examine global epigenetic control as a function of development and in response to stresses.  In addition, these lines will also be used to screen for novel chemicals that can regulate epigenetic pathways using chemical biology approach.  
The ideal applicant should have prior experience with molecular (ChIP assay, PCR, cloning, northern/Southern blotting, etc.) and biochemical (western blotting, enzyme assay, etc) techniques, advanced microscopy, and/or chemical biology approaches. Knowledge of epigenetic mechanisms is desirable but not required. If you are interested in this position, please email a cover-letter stating your research interests, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references to: Prof. Eric Lam, ericL89@hotmail.com
The Biotech Center at Rutgers University is located in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and enjoys a convenient location close to the famous Jersey Shore and Pocono Mountains while also easily accessible (within 1 hour by car or train) to metropolitan areas such as New York City and Philadelphia.  The Biotech Center at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences in the Cook Campus is well-equipped with advanced instrumentations for molecular biology, biochemistry and microscopy.  Rutgers University is an equal opportunity employer that strongly encourages underrepresented groups to apply for open positions.
Related Publications:
"Genome-wide transposon tagging reveals location-dependent effects on transcription and chromatin organization in Arabidopsis"  Plant J.  Published Online: Apr 12 2008; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2008.03517.x

“DNA hypomethylation reduces homologous pairing of inserted tandem repeat arrays in somatic nuclei of Arabidopsis thaliana”  Plant J. 2005 Nov;44(4):531-40.

"Visualizing chromosome structure/organization"  Annual Rev. of Plant Biology, 2004; 55: 537-554.

"Chromatin of endoreduplicated pavement cells has greater range of movement than that of diploid guard cells in Arabidopsis thaliana"  J. of Cell Science, 2003; 116: 2195-2201.

"Detection of green fluorescence protein tagged chromosomes in live Arabidopsis thaliana"  Genome Biology, 2001; 2: 0045.1-0045.10.

Lam教授は学部(SUNY at Stony Brook)、大学院(UC Berkeley)、ポスドク(Rockefeller Univ)での時期だけでなく、その後も日本人研究者との交流や共著も数多く、 日本人研究者についてよく理解されています。 ポジションの詳しい内容や生活面等についての質問等がありましたら私宛(watanabe@aesop.rutgers.edu)にメールを送っていただいても結構です。

Dr. Naohide Watanabe
Biotech Center for Agriculture and the Environment
Rutgers University 
59 Dudley Road, Foran Hall 
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8550
Tel: (732)932-8165 x219
Fax: (732)932-6535
email: watanabe@aesop.rutgers.edu


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