
Max Planck Florida Instituteポスドク募集

Max Planck Florida Institute (MPFI)、谷口研究室では、現在新たにポスドク1名を募集しております。恵まれた研究環境を生かし、オリジナリティの高い研究を追求し、その過程を“いっしょに楽しめる方”を歓迎します。将来、研究室主宰者となり、神経回路研究の潮流を自分で作りたいと考えている方、この機会を利用してみませんか?

MPFIは、米国フロリダに設立された神経回路研究に特化した新しい研究所です。所内では米国内外の著名研究者によるセミナーが頻繁に行われ、キャンパス内のScripps Florida Institute, Florida Atlantic Universityとも活発な研究交流が行われています。また、ドイツMax Planck Societyの一部であることから、米国にいながら“Max Planck流”を体感できるというのも当研究所の大きな魅力の1つとなっています。


これまで我々は、細胞タイプ特異的RNAシークエンシングを用い、シャンデリア細胞に優先的に発現する分子群を特定してきました(Ishino et al. 査読中)。また、発達中のシャンデリア細胞をin vitro、 in vivoで生きたまま観察し、回路形成における新たな細胞メカニズムを明らかにしてきました(Steinecke et al. 査読中)。現在、シャンデリア細胞の回路形成分子メカニズム解明に向けてプロジェクトが進行中です。

Taniguchi et al.,Neuron, 2011
Taniguchi et al.,Science, 2013
Taniguchi et al.,Front. Cell. Neurosci, 2014




応募資格:博士課程修了、もしくは修了見込み者。必須ではありませんが、in utero electroporation、分子生物学経験者を歓迎します。In vivoイメージングを用いたアプローチに興味のある方も歓迎です。


連絡先:谷口弘樹 (Hiroki Taniguchi, Ph.D)
e-mail: taniguchimpfi@gmail.com












〒241-8515 横浜市旭区中尾 2-3-2
神奈川県立がんセンター 臨床研究所 

〒241-8515 横浜市旭区中尾 2-3-2
TEL:045-520-2222(代表) 内線2105


電話(045)520-2222(代表) 内線5063
e-mail: tsasada@kcch.jp




Center for Immunotherapy Roswell Park Cancer Inst. Postdoctral Position

Great Opportunity for Long Term CAREER in USA for Japanese Postdocs.
A new postdoctoral position for a highly motivated individual is open in 2017 at the Center for Immunotherapy, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York State at the laboratory of Dr. Koya.

Our lab focuses on Cellular Immunotherapy for Cancer. The research will focus on development of novel immunotherapies for cancer based on genetically engineered T lymphocytes, stem cells and/or cellular components of the tumor microenvironment ranging from wet lab work, mouse models, up to clinical trials. Strong support for career development and advancement after postdoctoral will be further provided with good performance.

Requirements are a Ph.D. or M.D. with background in Immunology or Molecular Biology (Either one would be OK). Knowledge in immune assays, FACS, cell culture, PCR, mice handling, cell transfections or molecular biology are points considered for evaluation. Hands-on knowledge in Bioinformatics and microarray analysis software will be considered a plus but not necessary.

Interested candidates please send a CV or personal summary to : Dr. Richard Koya (richard.koya@roswellpark.org). Our center has already Japanese nationals and the principal investigator speaks Japanese, so a smooth transition is expected.

Richard C. Koya, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Oncology and Immunology
Director of the Vector Development & Production Facility
Associate Director of Roswell Park Cancer Institute Center for Immunotherapy

Elm and Carlton Streets, CCC-419
Buffalo, NY, 14263
Phone: (716) 845-1300, ext. 6582


Posted by Richard Koya(richard.koya@roswellpark.org)


Institute of human genetics/CNRS Postdoctral Position

A three year post-doctoral position is available in the laboratory of Jerome Dejardin to study the compensatory mechanisms at play during replicative and stress induced senescence. The laboratory is interested into the mechanisms driving changes in the control of heterochromatin organization during the senescence process and how this impacts gene expression.
The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with the groups of Giacomo Cavalli and Evi Soutoglou to tackle this important question. He/she will employ genomics and proteomics approaches to identify proteins involved in the formation of Senescence Associated Heterochromatin Foci (SAHF) and to map changes in genome architecture experienced by senescent cells (Hi-C and a novel conformation mapping approach developed in the lab).
The Institute of Human Genetics is located in Montpellier, France. This institute is one of the most renowned in France. Montpellier is located in the south, on the Mediterranean border and is ~3 hours away from Paris with the high speed train.

The candidate must hold a PhD degree or equivalent. A good knowledge in molecular biology and chromatin biochemistry is desirable. Experience in handling large datasets would be a plus. Excellent communication skills are essential.

Successful candidates will be offered competitive salary commensurate with experience and accomplishments.
Application details
Please apply by sending your CV and a motivation letter stating your research and career interests, together with the name of references to: Jerome Dejardin - jerome.dejardin@igh.cnrs.fr
Starting date: Spring 2017

研究内容についてより詳しく知りたい方は、直接PIであるDr.Dejardin (jerome.dejardin@igh.cnrs.fr) までお問い合わせ下さい。
その他基本的な質問であれば、当研究室のポスドクである西淵(gohei.nishibuchi@igh.cnrs.fr) にお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい(日本語でも構いません)。



The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Postdoctral Position

New postdoctoral positions are open in a cancer research laboratory located within The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. The lab currently studies energy sensing and metabolism in cancer (see our publications, Nature Cell Biology 2016; Nature Cell Biology 2015; Cancer Research. 2014; Oncogene. 2014; Nature. 2011; Cancer Cell. 2010; PNAS. 2008). The lab is well funded to support various projects related to the research topics described above. The new postdoc will be supported by a recently funded NCI R01 grant (for the list of funded grants, see the lab website at http://faculty.mdanderson.org/Boyi_Gan/Default.asp).

The putative postdoc researcher will be working on the role of long intergenic non-coding RNAs (for example, see “Liu X, et al, Gan B. lncRNA NBR2 engages a metabolic checkpoint by regulating AMPK under energy stress. Nature Cell Biology. 2016, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26999735) and other novel tumor suppressors in cancer metabolism with a particular emphasis of using emerging metabolic technologies to study cancer metabolism. Qualified candidates should have strong background in one or more of the following areas: molecular/cell biology, biochemistry, metabolism, cancer genetics. Experience in using Mass Spectrometry-related technologies to study metabolism is highly desirable. We prefer candidates who are about to graduate with PhD or MD/PhD degree, or have graduated within the last 12 months. A track record of excellent first author publication during PhD training is essential. The pay scale follows NIH guidelines ($47,484 for fresh PhD with adjustment fo!
r more senior candidates).

MD Anderson is the number one cancer center in cancer care in the United States by the U.S.News and World Report’s “America’s Best Hospitals” survey. It ranks 1st in the number of awarded grants from National Cancer Institute. It offers active graduate and postdoctoral training programs and the unmatched scientific environment of the Texas Medical Center, the world’s largest biomedical center. MD Anderson is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Houston is the 4th largest city in the United States with relatively low living cost and no state or city income tax.

The interested candidates should send a CV to bgan@mdanderson.org.

Boyi Gan, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
Program of Genes & Development
Program of Cancer Biology
The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Science
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Unit 066
1515 Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX 77030


Posted by Boyi Gan(bgan@mdanderson.org)


Weill Medical College of Cornell University ポスドク募集

Dr. Baohong Zhao研究室(Hospital for Special Surgery, Weill Medical College of Cornell University in the New York City)では新規NIH grantの獲得に伴いポスドクを募集しています。

当研究室では、現在、エピジェネティクスとゲノムワイド解析に精通しているポスドクを募集しています。我々は、骨髄マクロファージから破骨細胞への分化過程におけるTNFシグナルとNotch/RBP-J シグナルの役割を解析しています。最近PhDを取得した方(あるいは着任までに取得見込みの方)で論文審査のある学術専門誌への掲載があり、ChIP-seq または RNA-seq とそれらに関連する解析(Rなど)、共免疫沈降の経験がある方を募集しています。モチベーションが高く、論理的な思考、トラブル解決能力を持ち合わせた方を希望します。英語でのコミュニケーションは必須です。医療・歯科治療の保険、生命保険はカバーされます。
希望者は履歴書(curriculum vitae)と過去の研究略歴の要約、将来の研究の展望(興味)および業績(1-2 paragraphs)、代表的な論文の別刷(PDF)、問い合わせてお答えいただける推薦者3名の氏名・連絡先、こちらに来て仕事を開始できる(予定)日を下記のe-mail addressまでお送りください。

Baohong Zhao, DMD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Assistant Scientist
Arthritis and Tissue Degeneration Program
Hospital for Special Surgery
Head of the laboratory of Pathological Bone Metabolism and Osteoimmunology
535 E70th Street, New York
NY10021 USA
Phone: (212) 774-2772
Email: baohongzhao1@gmail.com


Posted by 井上和樹(inouek@hss.edu)


Thomas Jefferson University ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral Researcher Positions on Small RNA Biology at Thomas Jefferson University

Postdoctoral researcher positions are available in the lab of Dr. Yohei Kirino at Computational Medicine Center (CMC)/Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Thomas Jefferson University (TJU). We study the biogenesis pathway and function of small non-coding RNAs in the pathogenesis of various human diseases such as breast/prostate cancers and asthma (e.g., hormone-dependent tRNA-derived RNAs: PNAS 2015) by utilizing originally-developed RNA sequencing/quantification methods (e.g., YAMAT-seq: NAR in press; cP-RNA-seq: Nat Protoc 2016; Dumbbell-PCR: NAR 2015; FL-PCR: RNA Biol 2015). For more information about the Kirino lab, please see the websites at http://www.jefferson.edu/university/research/researcher/researcher-faculty/kirino-laboratory.html and https://cm.jefferson.edu/staff-members/yohei-kirino/.

Highly-motivated individuals with strong background in RNA biology and/or molecular/cell biology are awaited. Applicants should have a Ph. D. degree, a productive track record, and a high writing and communication skills. The successful applicant will have a unique opportunity to work in close collaboration within CMC (https://cm.jefferson.edu/) and with other research groups in TJU and UPENN.

Applicants should send 1) a cover letter with a description of past research experience, 2) CV, 3) a statement of research interests and career goals, and 4) contact information of 3 references to Dr. Yohei Kirino at Yohei.Kirino@jefferson.edu.
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TJUのKirino Labではポスドク研究員を複数名募集しています。当研究室では独自に開発したRNAシークエンス法を駆使した新規小分子RNAの同定、および癌や自己免疫疾患におけるその生合成機構と機能に関する研究を行っています。当研究室はCMCおよびDepartment of Biochemistry & Molecular Biologyに属しており、CMCやTJU内、また近傍に位置するUPENNの研究者との共同研究も活発です。特にCMCのDirectorであるDr. RigoutsosはIBMのThomas J. Watson Research Centerから独立したComputer Biologistであり、Kirino Labと多数のプロジェクトを共有の上進行しています。小分子RNAの網羅的解析、RNA配列の新規解析方法の樹立、生化学的手法によるRNAの機能解析を行う上で、非常に恵まれた環境です。



応募書類および方法:1) 現在までの研究概要、2) CV、3) 志望動機およびキャリアゴール、4) 推薦者3名の連絡先、これらをE-mail (Yohei.Kirino@jefferson.edu)でお送りください。書類選考後に面接を行い、適任者が決まり次第締め切ります。


Yohei Kirino, Ph.D.
Computational Medicine Center
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Sidney Kimmel Medical College
Thomas Jefferson University
Email: Yohei.Kirino@jefferson.edu
Tel: +1-215-503-8648  


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