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Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation ポスドク募集

Postdoc on vascular biology at Oklahoma

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF)のLijun Xia, M.D., Ph.D.のラボにて、R01 グラントの取得に伴い、新たにポスドクを探しております。

Dr. XiaはCardiovascular Biology Prgramの8つのラボを束ねるヘッドをしており、新進気鋭の研究者です。もともとは糖鎖生物学を基軸に研究が進められて来ましたが、ここ15年ほどは遺伝子改変マウスや培養細胞、臨床検体または患者由来iPS細胞を用いて、血管やリンパ管の構築とその破綻や、腸内細菌叢と疾患との関係について研究を展開しています。他には腫瘍や骨発生、ヒト疾患遺伝学、血小板の生物学など多岐に渡るテーマも並行して行われています。今回は特に血管の発生や破綻に関する研究に従事していただくことになると思います。


興味がありましたら、Dr. XiaにCover LetterとCurriculum Vitaeを送られてください。
Dr. Xiaやラボの人たちの人柄、一般的な留学に関すること、オクラホマの生活環境などについて質問がありましたら、私までご連絡ください。よろしくお願いいたします。(近藤裕史: Yuji-Kondo@omrf.org) 以下が募集内容となります。

Post-doctoral Fellow (Full-Time)

Job Summary/Basic Function:
Post-doctoral research positions are available to study vascular and platelet biology using conditional gene knockout mice as models. Seeking self-driven, highly motivated individuals. Willingness to interact with other members of the laboratory in a way that raises the scientific excellence of the whole group. This position will focus on projects that lead to high quality publications. Research backgrounds with mouse models, vascular biology, platelet biology, and glycobiology is preferred but not required.

OMRF is an independent, not-for-profit, biomedical research institute in Oklahoma City. OMRF has been selected as one of the best research institutions for post-docs from 2011 to 2013 in the USA by The Scientist journal. Oklahoma City metropolitan area offers affordable housing, excellent public schools and diverse entertainment opportunities. Additional information about OMRF can be found at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation web site: http://omrf.org

Please check our recent publications:

Minimum Qualifications:
Ph.D., M.D., or Ph.D./M.D.

To apply for this position:
Please send your CV and a cover letter detailing research experience to Dr. Lijun Xia (Lijun-Xia@omrf.org).

Lijun Xia, M.D., Ph.D.
Cardiovascular Biology Research Program, MS 45
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
825 N.E. 13th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73104

E-mail: Lijun-Xia@omrf.org

投稿者:近藤 裕史(Yuji-Kondo@omrf.org)

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