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Southern Research Institute Postdoctral position

The NIH-funded Nakazawa lab is seeking an independent-thinking, highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to study in the Neuroscience Department at Southern Research (SR), which is focused on the cellular mechanisms underlying the positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. We utilize genetically-engineered mice to investigate hypofunction of N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptor (NMDAR), which interacts with the major excitatory neurotransmitter of the CNS, glutamate. This hypofunction model of schizophrenia, in which NMDARs are developmentally-deleted from cortical and hippocampal GABA neurons, enables study of the role of NMDARs in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. The Nakazawa lab is particularly interested in (1) perinatal abnormalities leading to cortical GABAergic dysfunction, and (2) the circuitry mechanisms of hyper-excitable auditory cortex. The NIH-funded postdoctoral fellowship position suits candidates highly motivated to perform i!
n vivo Ca2+ imaging from awake behaving animals and interested in understanding neuronal circuitry function. A developmental neurobiologist with expertise of handling perinatal mouse brain organs are also welcome. Candidates should be capable of and willing to learn new techniques to perform delicate surgical procedures and must demonstrate abilities to think independently and work collaboratively. Prospective candidates should send the following in a single PDF: a statement of interest describing research experience and future goals, curriculum vitae, and contact information for two references willing to provide a letter of support to: Kazu Nakazawa, M.D., Ph.D., electronically to e-mail: knakazawa@southernresearch.org. Expect to join a growing cadre of supportive, outstanding, and collaborative neuroscientists in an exciting research environment. Southern Research provides a competitive benefits package, including insurance and retirement benefits, and is an Equal Opp!
ortunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Lab web site: https://s!

Posted by Kazu Nakazawa(knakazawa@southernresearch.org)

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