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シンシナティ小児病院 ポスドク募集

シンシナティ小児病院 生殖科学部門のTony De Falco labでは新規グラント獲得に伴い、ポスドクを1名募集しています。生殖組織の適切な形成・機能獲得には、生殖系列細胞だけでなく、それを取り巻く周辺環境が重要であると考えられています。De Falco Labでは主にマウスモデルを使用し、免疫系細胞や血管、あるいは環境因子が生殖組織発達・妊孕性に及ぼす影響について研究を行なっています。
Website: http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/research/divisions/r/reproductive-sciences/labs/defalco/default/

発生生物学あるいは生殖生物学の専門性を有した博士号取得者 (見込含)であり、分子生物学的手法を用いて研究を遂行できる方を募集します。マウスモデルやFlow Cytometryの手技があればさらに望ましいですが、必須ではありません。条件が合えば即雇用可能です。

当研究施設はオハイオ州シンシナティに所在し、大都市部と比べ物価が安く暮らしやすい場所です。日本人研究者のコミュニティも存在し、特に生殖科学部門では複数の日本人PI、ポスドクが勤務しています。また、研究室主宰者であるDr. De Falco自身も日本での研究経験があり、日本人にフレンドリーな環境です。
応募者の方は、過去の研究略歴と将来の研究の展望、履歴書(curriculum vitae)、推薦者3名の氏名・連絡先を添えて Dr. De Falco (Tony.DeFalco@cchmc.org) まで直接ご連絡ください。

投稿者 (藍川:shizu.aikawa@cchmc.org )はDr. De Falcoと同じ生殖科学部門の別研究室に所属しております。応募前に何か質問がありましたら、私まで日本語でお問い合わせいただいて構いません。

A postdoctoral fellow position is immediately available in the De Falco laboratory in the Divisions of Reproductive Sciences and Developmental Biology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Our research interests are in how the reproductive system is formed during fetal life and how fertility is maintained during adulthood, with focuses on the roles of: macrophages and immune cells; vasculature; and environmental effects of endocrine-disrupting compounds. These projects will involve extensive use of mouse genetic models, organ culture, flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, next-generation sequencing, and time-lapse live imaging techniques.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center is one of the premier research hospitals in the world, currently ranked #3 in the United States for research funding. It is located in Cincinnati, Ohio, a culturally diverse city with a metropolitan feel and access to big-city activities, but with small-town charm. There is a large Japanese community within the institute, with many Japanese professors and postdoctoral fellows in the Division of Reproductive Sciences.
The ideal candidate will possess a Ph.D. in developmental biology, reproductive biology, or a related field, with proven proficiency in cell biological/molecular techniques and publications in those fields. Experience with mouse model systems and flow cytometry is highly desired but not absolutely required.
Please submit your application to Dr. De Falco with the following information: A cover letter containing a statement of interest, CV, and contact details for 3 referees.
Contact: Tony De Falco, Ph.D.                    
E-mail Address: Tony.DeFalco@cchmc.org
Kumar and DeFalco, 2018. A perivascular niche for multipotent progenitors in the fetal testis. Nature Communications. In press.
Lin et al., 2017.  Numb regulates somatic cell lineage commitment during early gonadogenesis in mice. Development. 144(9):1607-1618.
Sun et al., 2017. Extragonadal oocytes residing in the mouse ovarian hilum contribute to fertility. Biology of Reproduction. 96(5):1060-1070.
DeFalco et al., 2015. Macrophages Contribute to the Spermatogonial Niche in the Adult Testis. Cell Reports. 12(7):1107-19.
DeFalco et al., 2014. Yolk-sac-derived macrophages regulate fetal testis vascularization and morphogenesis. PNAS. 111(23):E2384-93.


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