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UPMC Cancer Center Pittsburgh, USA ポスドク募集

Harvard Medical Schoolでインストラクターをしている高橋重成と申します。この度ラボメンバーであるIoannis Zervantonakisが独立するにあたり、ポスドク・Ph.D学生、テクニシャンを募集することになりました。彼はPh.D学生時代、MITにてMechanical Engineeringを専攻した後、ポスドク時代はHarvard Medical SchoolにてCancer BiologyやSystems Biologyを専攻したという少し異色のバックグランドを持ちます。工学系出身ということもあり、ウェットな実験を通した個別のアッセイだけではなく、複雑極まる生命現象(特にがん分野)をシステマティックにとらえ、定量化したいというのが彼のスタイルだと思います。

MIT, Harvard Medical Schoolの両方において、日本人研究者と深く仕事をしていた経験があるため、日本人の話す英語には極めて慣れています。またその際の経験から、日本人の勤勉さを高く評価しており、特に日本人研究者を採用したいようです。

まだ30歳半ばの若手PIですが、ビッグラボでは得られないようなPIとの密な連携の下、研究を進められると思います。少しでも興味をお持ちの方はお気軽にIoannis Zervantonakis (ioz1@pitt.edu)まで問い合わせて頂けたらと思います。その際に必要なものは簡単なCover letterとCVのみであり、現時点ではRecommendation letterは必要ないとのことです。以下、公式の募集要項です。

[Lab Description]
Understanding cell behavior in native tumor microenvironments and developing new strategies to deliver therapeutics directly to tumor cells are critical in improving and extending patients’ lives. Our lab employs a quantitative approach that integrates microfluidics, systems biology modeling, and in vivo experiments to investigate the role of the tumor microenvironment on breast and ovarian cancer growth, metastasis and drug resistance. Our goal is to develop bioengineered tumor microenvironment platforms and apply them to improve understanding of tumor-stromal signaling mechanisms in order to: (1) discover biomarkers that guide new drug development and improve prognosis, (2) develop new strategies to improve existing treatment protocols and (3) engineer microfabricated tools that enable screening and personalization of cancer therapies. The Tumor Microenvironment Engineering laboratory offers the opportunity to work at the forefront of cancer bioengineering, learn cu!
tting edge techniques and collaborate with an interdisciplinary group of scientists and clinicians in the Cancer Center.

Graduate students: There are 2 openings for graduate students starting in the Fall of 2019 (Application deadline: December 1st 2018). Please apply to the Bioengineering Department and specify interest in working with Professor Zervantonakis.

Postdoctoral fellows: Applicants should hold a PhD in bioengineering, biomedical sciences or related fields. Openings are available for computational and/or experimental projects starting August 2019.

Technicians: Applicants should hold a BS in biomedical sciences and have experience in cellular biology, and/or in vivo mouse models. Openings are available starting August 2019.

[Instructions to apply]
Please visit the website (www.zervalab.com) to find out more about each position, as well as research projects, publications, mentoring and collaborations. Interested applicants please submit a cover letter and CV to: Ioannis Zervantonakis, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering. Email: ioz1@pitt.edu

Tumor Microenvironment Engineering Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Bioengineering and UPMC Cancer Center
Pittsburgh, USA

I.K. Zervantonakis, C. Iavarone, H.S Chen, L.M. Selfors, S. Palakurthi, J.F. Liu, R. Drapkin, U. Matulonis, J.D. Leverson, D. Sampath, G.B. Mills and J.S. Brugge. “Systems analysis of apoptotic priming in ovarian cancer identifies vulnerabilities and predictors of drug response”, Nature Communications 8(1): 365 (2017)

I.K. Zervantonakis & C.D. Arvanitis. Controlled Drug Release and Chemotherapy Response in a novel 3D Acoustofluidic Platform. Small 12 (19), 2616-2626. (2016)

I.K. Zervantonakis, S. K. Alford-Hughes, J. L. Charest, F. B. Gertler, J. C. Condeelis and R. D. Kamm. "Three-dimensional microfluidic tumor-vascular interface model: Tumor cell intravasation and endothelial barrier function." PNAS, 109 (34), 13515-13520. (2012)

投稿者:高橋 重成(takahashinobuaki44@gmail.com)

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