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中国、Zhejiang Edinburgh Instituteポスドク募集

中国、Zhejiang Edinburgh Institute(浙江省)のChew labでは新規ラボの設立に伴い、細胞分裂の研究を遂行できるポスドクを募集しております。PIのTing Gang Chewはシンガポールとイギリスで高いレベルのトレーニングを受けた新進気鋭の研究者です。研究室はエディンバラ大学と共同で設立された中国でTop3にランクインするハイレベルな研究所にあります。英語が通じるキャンパス内に居住することが可能なようですので、中国語は必須ではありません。フレッシュなPIのもと、サイエンスに対するサポートが世界トップクラスの中国において挑戦的な研究を行いたい若手研究者の応募をお待ちしております。


Recruitment of a Post-doctoral Fellow
The laboratory of Dr. Ting Gang Chew (http://zje.intl.zju.edu.cn/en/our-team/faculty) is inviting
international candidates to apply for a post-doctoral position to join our dynamic research group at
the Zhejiang Edinburgh Institute (ZJE). Our institute is a collaborative research institute in biomedical
sciences between Zhejiang University (Top 3 in China) and The University of Edinburgh (World’s top
20). The institute sits in the International Campus of Zhejiang University at Haining in China, which
provides a supportive ecosystem for foreign academics to work in China.
Dr. Chew’s laboratory employs high-resolution live-cell microscopy techniques and modern
molecular genetics tools to study the dynamics and mechanics of cell division/cytokinesis in
eukaryotic systems such as human cells. A long-term goal of this laboratory is to have a tissue-level
understanding of the cell division process, and the pathological consequences of cytokinesis failure
in disease progression. To this end, the candidates will be developing various optical imaging-based
tools to study the cell division problems in single-cells and tissues.
The candidates will have a relevant Ph.D in cell biology or molecular biology. Familiarity with basic
cell culture, microscopy, molecular and biochemical experimental techniques are essential. Previous
experience in live-cell imaging would be helpful, but is not essential. A demonstrable track record of
productive experimental work is essential.
The ideal candidate will be appointed starting from a salary of about CNY200,000 to CNY300,000
per year depending on the candidate’s qualifications. The candidate will be able to stay within the
beautiful and English-speaking campus.
Interested candidates can submit their resume and representative publications to
tinggang.lab@yahoo.com, and specify “Post-doctoral fellow application”. Please include contact
information (emails and affiliations) of 3 referees in your application.
Representative publications of Dr. Chew:
1. Current Biology. 2018 Mar 19;28(6):955-962.
2. Journal of Cell Biology. 2017 Sep 4;216(9):2657-2667.
3. eLife. 2016 Oct 13;5. pii: e21383
4. Cytoskeleton. 2012 Dec;69(12):1040-6.



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