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University of Pittsburghポスドク募集

京都大学の高橋重成と申します。Harvard Medical School時代の友人であるIoannis Zervantonakisが独立するにあたり、ポスドクを募集することになりました。彼はPh.D学生時代、MITにてMechanical Engineeringを専攻した後、ポスドク時代はHarvard Medical SchoolにてCancer BiologyやSystems Biologyを専攻したという少し異色のバックグランドを持ちます。工学系出身ということもあり、ウェットな実験を通した個別のアッセイだけではなく、複雑極まる生命現象(特にがん分野)をシステマティックにとらえ、定量化したいというのが彼のスタイルだと思います。

MIT, Harvard Medical Schoolの両方において、日本人研究者と深く仕事をしていた経験があるため、日本人の話す英語には極めて慣れています。またその際の経験から、日本人の勤勉さを高く評価しており、特に日本人研究者を採用したいようです。

まだ30歳半ばの若手PIですが、ビッグラボでは得られないようなPIとの密な連携の下、研究を進められると思います。少しでも興味をお持ちの方はお気軽にIoannis Zervantonakis (ioz1@pitt.edu)まで問い合わせて頂けたらと思います。以下、公式の募集要項です。

Title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Cancer Bioengineering

Institution: University of Pittsburgh, Cancer Center and Department of Bioengineering

Location, Pittsburgh, USA

A postdoctoral position is available at the Tumor Microenvironment Engineering lab in the Department of Bioengineering and UPMC Cancer Institute. We employ a quantitative approach that integrates microfluidics, systems biology modeling, and in vivo experiments to investigate the role of the tumor microenvironment on breast and ovarian cancer growth, metastasis and drug resistance. Our group has projects in three main areas: (1) Drug-resistant microenvironments in breast cancer: modeling cellular dynamics. (2) Metastatic dissemination in ovarian cancer: macrophages and fluid flow. (3) Localized drug release technologies and single-cell functional assays.

Applicants should hold a PhD in bioengineering, biomedical sciences or related fields. A strong background in cancer biology is preferred, including experience with quantitative assay development and optimization, microscopy. Openings are also available for candidates with a computational/mathematical background with expertise in mechanistic modeling and systems analysis.

The Tumor Microenvironment Engineering laboratory offers the opportunity to work at the forefront of cancer bioengineering, learn cutting edge techniques and collaborate with an interdisciplinary group of scientists and clinicians. The candidate will benefit from the rich biomedical research environment in the University of Pittsburgh, including the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, the Department of Computational and Systems Biology, the Drug Discovery Institute and the Magee-Women’s Research Institute. The city of Pittsburgh is one of the “most livable” cities in the US and is a leader in medicine, engineering and high-tech industries.

Openings are available starting September 2019.

Please visit the website (www.zervalab.com) to find out more about research projects, publications, mentoring and collaborations. Interested applicants please submit a CV, statement of research interests and contact information for three references to: Ioannis Zervantonakis, Assistant Professor.

The Department of Bioengineering is strongly committed to a diverse academic environment and places high priority on attracting female and underrepresented minority candidates. We strongly encourage candidates from these groups to apply for the position. The University of Pittsburgh is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, marital status, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

投稿者:高橋 重成(takahashi@sbchem.kyoto-u.ac.jp)

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