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University of Alabama Birmingham Postdoc募集

The Department of Surgery-Urology is accepting positions for post-doctoral fellows in the field of urologic oncology with an emphasis on renal and prostate cancers. The position will begin in July. We are seeking highly motivated candidates who will conduct basic research with a translational emphasis. Our laboratory interests include the metabolism of cancer cells. In particular, our laboratory is interested in the metabolic changes present in cancer cells and the mechanisms by which these changes occur. We are also interested in the role of putative oncometabolites- small molecules with potential transforming properties. Additionally, our laboratory is interested in mTOR signaling with an emphasis on the mTORC signaling complex 2 (mTORC2). Finally, our laboratory is also interested in the epigenetics of renal cancer as many histone modifying genes have recently been identified as mutated in renal cancer. Through gene complementation studies, we are interested in the role of chromatin biology in the pathogenesis of renal cancer.

Expertise with basic techniques utilizing DNA, RNA, protein, and tissue culture is required. Candidates need to demonstrate independence and the ability to communicate.

Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree is required. Applicants please send curriculum vitae with a description of research interests and names of three references with email addresses to: Sunil Sudarshan, M.D. email: Sudarshan@uthscsa.edu

Posted by Sunil Sudarshan(sudarshan@uthscsa.edu)

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