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Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute Postdoc募集

Post-doctoral Research in Super-Resolution imaging of Mitotic Processes.

A Postdoctoral position is available at the Samuel Lunenfeld Institute in the Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. The Pelletier lab is keenly interested in the molecular mechanisms that govern various aspects of mitotic cell division including centrosome duplication, microtubule dynamics, mitotic spindle assembly and kinetochore function. Studies revolve around cutting-edge microscopy techniques including structured-illumination, FRAP/FLIM, 4-D multiplex time-lapse imaging and high-content screening approaches in mammalian cells. Our imaging lab is equipped with DeltaVision Elite systems tweaked for fully automated high-resolution imaging of both live and fixed cells. Critically, our laboratory houses a structured illumination (SI) based OMX microscope with a resolution limit far superior to that of conventional wide-field and confocal microscopes allowing the study of the above mentioned processes with unprecedented detail.

In this position, the successful applicant will be part of a fast-paced dynamic and multi-disciplinary environment and play an integral role in novel and ongoing projects within the laboratory as well cementing collaborations with other labs in the vibrant Toronto research community. Applicants with experience in any of the following disciplines are preferred: advanced light microscopy, functional genomics and statistical approaches to quantitative microscopy and image analysis. Training in molecular and cell biology and at the interface be physics and biology will also be considered an asset.

Posted by Laurence Pelletier(pelletier@lunenfeld.ca)

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