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University of Michigan Postdoctral Position

Postdoctoral research positions are available in the Seo lab at the University of Michigan. For more information: https://www.seoresearchlab.com/job-openings.html

Our lab is primarily focused on genetic studies of iron and manganese metabolism.
Using cellular, molecular, and genetic approaches, we study
1) the fundamental mechanisms of iron and manganese homeostasis and transport, and
2) how disturbances in their metabolism lead to metabolic and neurological disorders.

- Applicants should have a Ph.D. in biology, genetics, neuroscience or a related field.
- Highly-motivated and enthusiastic scientist who obtained PhD recently with publications in journals.
- Ideal candidates will lead projects requiring technical expertise such as metabolic characterization of mouse model, cell culture studies, and/or biochemical studies.
- Several opportunities for postdoctoral fellows in our lab exist, depending on individual background and goals.

Please send cover letter indicating interest and research experience and CV with 3 names of reference to youngseo@umich.edu

Posted by Young-Ah Seo(youngseo@umich.edu)

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