
Rutgers University Postdoctral Position

Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity in Vascular Biology, Metabolism and Diabetes research

Postdoc fellowship position is available immediately on or after May 2019 in NIH R01-funded Dr. Naoki Sawada’s laboratory at Rutgers University, New Jersey.

Our lab research focuses on the roles of endothelial cell metabolism (bioenergetics and its crosstalk to cytoskeleton and epigenetics) within the context of angiopathies in diabetes using the combination of cutting-edge techniques including metabolomics, proteomics, molecular biology, and genetically modified mice models such as inducible conditional KO approach. The postdoc fellow will serve as the primary author in upcoming publication(s) by participating in the actively ongoing project(s).

For recent accomplishments of our lab, please see these references.
Stem Cells Transl Med. 2018 PMID:29573563
Physiology (Bethesda). 2017 PMID: 28615313
Cell Metab. 2014 PMID: 24506866
Antioxid Redox Signal. 2014 PMID: 23919640
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 PMID: 23454124
Sci Signal. 2009 PMID: 19278959
Mol Cell Biol. 2009 PMID:19737918
Circ Res. 2008 PMID:18599867

Successful candidates must have a doctorate degree in physiology, pharmacology, medical science or related areas.
Research interest and background in cardiovascular and/or metabolic fields have a strong advantage.

Required qualifications:
Previous experience in the development of genetic mice models (including breeding) is a must and experience in rodent vascular surgery is a strong plus.
Sound knowledge and experience in basic molecular and cellular biology: Cell culture, Cell Migration assay, qRT-PCR, Western blot, Immunostaining, ELISA, are essential.

Salary and benefits are commensurate with the experience level under the Institutional and NIH standards.

Intersted candidates should send their Cover Letter, CV with bibliography, and 3 reference contacts by email to:

Naoki Sawada, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
New Jersey Medical School
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine
185 S. Orange Avenue
MSB – G635 (Office), I515 (Lab)
Newark, NJ 07103



University of Michigan Postdoctral Position

Postdoctoral research positions are available in the Seo lab at the University of Michigan. For more information: https://www.seoresearchlab.com/job-openings.html

Our lab is primarily focused on genetic studies of iron and manganese metabolism.
Using cellular, molecular, and genetic approaches, we study
1) the fundamental mechanisms of iron and manganese homeostasis and transport, and
2) how disturbances in their metabolism lead to metabolic and neurological disorders.

- Applicants should have a Ph.D. in biology, genetics, neuroscience or a related field.
- Highly-motivated and enthusiastic scientist who obtained PhD recently with publications in journals.
- Ideal candidates will lead projects requiring technical expertise such as metabolic characterization of mouse model, cell culture studies, and/or biochemical studies.
- Several opportunities for postdoctoral fellows in our lab exist, depending on individual background and goals.

Please send cover letter indicating interest and research experience and CV with 3 names of reference to youngseo@umich.edu

Posted by Young-Ah Seo(youngseo@umich.edu)








〒241-8515 横浜市旭区中尾 2-3-2

応募案内は http://kcch.kanagawa-pho.jp/medical/recruit.html#doctor です。

〒241-8515 横浜市旭区中尾 2-3-2


免疫療法科・臨床研究所 部長
電話(045)520-2222(代表) 内線5063
e-mail: tsasada@kcch.jp



Memorial Sloan Keterring Cancer Centerポスドク募集

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center、pathology dept. Roehrl labでポスドクしている田中淳と申します。当ラボで新たにポスドクを募集することになりましたので、ボスに代わって募集案内を以下に投稿させていただきます。ご質問等ありましたら、私(日本語可、tanakaa@mskcc.org)あるいはDr. Roehrl (roehrlm@mskcc.org)までお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。

Postdoctoral Fellow in Cancer Proteomics and Multi-Omics (Proteogenomics)
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York City (USA)

The Roehrl lab (https://www.mskcc.org/research-areas/labs/michael-roehrl) at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City (USA) is looking for a highly motivated and productive postdoctoral fellow (Ph.D., M.D., M.D./Ph.D., D.V.M, etc.) to join our growing group in cancer research, proteomics, mass spectrometry, and computational biology.

We are especially interested in candidates with strong backgrounds in protein biochemistry, high-resolution LC-MS (Orbitrap instruments), molecular biology, and computational analyses of high-dimensional multi-omic data (mass spec, NGS, RNA-Seq, etc.). Experience with Matlab, R, MaxQuant, Proteome Discoverer, Sequest, etc. are a plus.

Ideal candidates are finishing or recently finished their graduate degree and are looking for a rewarding postdoctoral research opportunity at MSKCC, one of the world’s most exciting research institutions focusing on cancer.

Subsidized housing for postdoctoral fellows is available.

Please send your applications with CV and contact information of 3 references to:
Michael H. A. Roehrl, M.D., Ph.D.

Further information:




トロント大学、プリンセスマーガレットがんセンターの 平野 直人 です。トロント大学での同僚の Dr. Clint Robbins が Postdoctoral Fellow を1名募集致します。詳細は、以下の英文広告をご参照ください。

Postdoctoral Position in Immunology.
A postdoctoral position is available starting February 1st or later in the laboratory of Dr. Clint Robbins at the Toronto General Research Institute and University of Toronto. The postdoctoral fellow will study the mechanisms that maintain tissue macrophage niches in health and disease.

Requirements: Candidates will have a Ph.D. and/or a MD degree and a background in molecular and/or cellular immunology. Experience in macrophage biology is preferred, but not necessary. The successful candidate must be highly motivated and independent, possess good verbal and written communications skills, and have a good track record of scientific accomplishments (including publications in peer-reviewed journals). Preference will be given to candidates who attained their postgraduate degree within the last 2 years.

Applicants should respond by email with a curriculum vitae and brief description of research interests to Dr. Clint Robbins (clint.robbins@utoronto.ca).

1) Dick SA et al., Self-renewing resident cardiac macrophages limit adverse remodeling following myocardial infarction. Nat Immunol. 2018
2) Yao Y et al., Induction of autonomous memory alveolar macrophages requires T cell help and is critical to trained immunity. Cell. 2018
3) Garzia L et al., A hematogeneous route for medulloblastoma leptomeningeal metastases. Cell. 2018
4) Kaufmann E et al., BCG educates hematopoietic stem cells to generate protective innate immunity against tuberculosis. Cell. 2018.
4) Ensan S et al., The Origin and Maintenance of Resident Arterial Macrophages. Nat Immunol. 2016
5) Robbins CS et al., Local proliferation dominates lesional macrophage accumulation in atherosclerosis. Nat Med. 2013
6) Robbins CS et al, Innate response activator B cells protect against microbial sepsis. Science. 2012



Oklahoma Medical Research Foundationポスドク募集

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundationに所属しております近藤と申します。

Dr. Sathish Srinivasanの代理で投稿します。
私と同じフロアに研究室を構えるDr. Sathish Srinivasanが日本人ポスドクまたはスタッフサイエンティストを探しておられます。
ご興味のある方は、e-mail にて、Dr. Sathish Srinivasan(Sathish-srinivasan@omrf.org)までお送りください。

Staff Scientist/ Postdoctoral Fellow

The Srinivasan Lab at Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) studies lymphedema, a debilitating disease for which there is no cure. The lab uses state of the art technologies to dissect the roles of transcription factors and signaling molecules. We collaborate with numerous internationally recognized investigators thus offering career development opportunities for trainees. Please check our latest publications: Geng et al (2016) Dev Biol. (cover image) Jan 1;409(1):218-33, Cha et al (2016) Genes Dev. (cover image) June 16; 30: 1-16, and Cha et al (2018) Cell Reports (cover image) October 16; 25(3):571-584. More information about our lab can be found at https://omrf.org/research-faculty/scientists/srinivasan-sathish/

We are recruiting highly motivated researchers who are interested in Cell biology and Biochemistry.

Required Qualifications
Ph.D., M.D., or Ph.D./M.D.,

Fresh graduates will be considered for postdoctoral fellowships, and more experienced researchers will be considered for the position of Staff Scientist. Salary of postdoctoral fellows is according to the stipulation of NIH. Salary of the Staff Scientist will be commensurate with experience. Only candidates with at least one first author publication in respected journals of Cell Biology or Biochemistry would be considered for the positions. Please send CV, list of 3 references, reprints of publications and a brief summary of interests and career goals to Sathish-srinivasan@omrf.org.

OMRF is an independent, not-for-profit, biomedical research institute in Oklahoma City, USA. OMRF has been selected as one of the best research institutions for post-docs from 2011 to 2013 in the USA by The Scientist journal. Oklahoma City metropolitan area offers affordable housing, low cost of living, great public schools and numerous recreational activities. Additional information about OMRF can be found at http://omrf.com.

投稿者:近藤 裕史(Yuji-Kondo@omrf.org)



私の研究室では来年春以降に来られるポスドク候補者を探しております。in vivo electrophysiologyの経験がある方を探していますが、未経験で習得希望の方も歓迎します。
五十嵐ラボは三年前に始まった若い研究室ですが、JSTさきがけ・Whitehall Foundation Grantなどの研究費で十分にサポートされています。ラボではマウスが記憶タスクを学習している際の海馬・嗅内皮質・嗅皮質領域の神経活動(multiunit recording, LFP)を、silicon probe/tetrode記録法とoptogenetic tagging/perturbation法を用いて解析し、「連合学習を可能とする回路メカニズム」の解明を目指して研究行っています。また、これらシステム脳科学の手法を用いたアルツハイマー病発症メカニズムの研究も行っています。
Kei M Igarashi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
University of California, Irvine
112 Irvine Hall
School of Medicine, UC Irvine, CA 92697

投稿者:五十嵐 啓(kei.igarashi@uci.edu)



Ahituv 教授の代理で投稿します。
カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校(UCSF)、Ahituv 研究室(http://pharm.ucsf.edu/ahituv)は、ヒト遺伝性疾患(多指症、肥満、精神疾患など)、四肢形態進化(マウス、コウモリをモデルとして)や、霊長類の脳の進化などに関わる遺伝子制御エレメントを同定することを目的とし、大規模ゲノミクス・エピゲノミクス的手法(RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, ATAC-seqなど)を用いた研究を行っており、近年目覚ましい業績を上げています。また、ENCODEプロジェクト (www.encodeproject.org)のメンバーとして、Massively parallel reporter assays (MPRAs; 転写バーコードを用いた大規模レポーターアッセイ法)やCRISPR-based スクリーニング法の開発を行い、これらの手法によって遺伝子制御エレメントの大規模機能解析を行っています。
Ahituv 研究室では、これらの機能ゲノミクス研究に従事していただける気鋭の日本人ポスドク(博士号取得見込み含む)を募集しています。マウスジェネティックスのバックグラウンドをお持ちの方を優先しますが、必須ではありません。
ご興味のある方は、e-mail にて、様式任意の申請レター、CV、および推薦者3名の連絡先を Nadav Ahituv 教授(下記)までお送りください。
また、ご質問等ある場合は、Ahituv 研究室所属のポスドク、井上詞貴(Fumitaka.Inoue@ucsf.edu)または牛木亜季(Aki.Ushiki@ucsf.edu)にコンタクトを取って頂いても構いません。

Postdoctoral position in functional genomics: The Ahituv lab (http://pharm.ucsf.edu/ahituv) is searching for a postdoctoral fellow in functional genomics. The lab uses genomic technologies (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq and others) to identify gene regulatory elements and link them to various phenotypes, including human disease and morphological differences between species. In addition, it is developing massively parallel reporter assays (MPRAs) and CRISPR-based screens to functionally characterize thousands of gene regulatory elements in a high-throughput manner as part of the ENCODE project (www.encodeproject.org). Preference will be given to individuals who have a mouse genetic background though this is not a necessity.

Interested individuals should submit by e-mail a letter of application, curriculum vitae and the contact information of three references to:
Nadav Ahituv, PhD
Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences
Institute for Human Genetics
1550 4th Street
Rock Hall, RH584C
San Francisco, CA 94158-2911
E-mail: nadav.ahituv@ucsf.edu



Cornell University Weill Cornell Medical College Postdoctral Position

Gut microbiome and neonatal immunology

I will start my laboratory at Weill Cornell in January 2019 and currently have openings for 2 postdoctoral positions. I am an immunologist and have completed my postdoctoral training in Dr. Gabriel Nunez's laboratory at the University of Michigan, where I studied the crosstalk between gut immune cells and the gut microbiota. In my laboratory I will embark on a research program that focuses on the crosstalk between immune cells and gut microbiota at the interface between a mother and a newborn, interrogating questions such as how early life gut microbiota influences the development of food allergies and other gut-associated inflammatory disorders in young children.

I am looking for candidates with a PhD/MD and extensive research experience in microbiology and/or immunology, preferentially with some background in bioinformatics. Candidates with background in other areas such as neuroscience, cell biology and virology will be considered as well. Interested individuals are encouraged to email me their resumes with references. Thank you.

Posted by Melody Zeng(myz4001@med.cornell.edu)


University of Texas Health Science Center at Houstonポスドク募集

私が所属しているUniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston のDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB)で、新しいPIの方がポスドクを探しておられます。

興味のある方は直接PIのDr. Kuang-Lei Tsaiに連絡してみてください。

[Job Title]
Postdoctoral Researcher (Cryo-EM)
[Job Location]
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
McGovern Medical School
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dr. Kuang-Lei Tsai Laboratory
[Job Description]
To study structure and molecular mechanism of large protein complex involved in cancer gene regulation
[Lab website]

[Job Qualifications]
Qualified candidates should have a Ph.D. in biology, biomedical, or other related fields. Expertise in molecular biology and biochemistry and interests in structure biology preferred.

We are interested in using biochemical and biophysical methods, including cryo-electron microscopy, to study the structures and molecular mechanisms of large complexes, such as lncRNA molecules and transcriptional machines. Currently, we focus on macromolecular complexes which have great potential as cancer drug targets, and their dysfunction and dysregulation are involved in cancer development. If you are interested in cryo-electron microscopy and our research topics, please send your CV and a brief description of research interests to Dr. Kuang-Lei Tsai at (Kuang-Lei.Tsai@uth.tmc.edu)

投稿者:Kazunari Nohara(Kazunari.Nohara@uth.tmc.edu)


University of Pennsylvania School of Medicineポスドク募集

当研究室では、ES cellsもしくはCRISPR/Cas9を用いて、ノックアウトマウス、トランスジェニックマウス、ヒト疾患モデルマウスを独自に作製、解析を行うことによって、in vivoでの自然免疫特に補体系の役割を明らかにすることが主な研究課題です。
応募される方は、Wenchao Song (songwe@pennmedicine.upenn.edu)までCVと推薦者2-3名の連絡先を送ってください。質問などありましたら、日本語、英語どちらでも構いませんので、私(三輪隆史 miwataka@pennmedicine.upenn.edu)までお願いします。
Postdoctoral researcher and research technician positions available
at the Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Research projects are concerned with the following topics: Knockout and transgenic mice, pathogenesis and experimental therapeutics of complement-mediated diseases. Candidates with the following training and experience are encouraged to apply: immunology, molecular biology, recombinant protein expression, antibody production and engineering, knockout and transgenic mice, mouse models of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Please contact Dr Wenchao Song, Professor of Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Email: songwe@pennmedicine.upenn.edu








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大阪府大東市谷川2-10-50 野崎徳洲会病院及び附属研究所





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人材募集担当 笹川覚 satoru.sasagawa@tokushukai.jp
072-874-1641 内線2701(笹川)






私の友人である、Emory University, Winship Cancer Institute, Department of Hematology and Medical OncologyのJing Chen教授がポスドクを募集しています。Jing Chenラボでは、がん細胞における細胞内シグナル伝達と代謝の連関について、非常にアクティブでインパクトのある研究を多数行っています。公式の募集案内は下記の通りです。Jing Chen教授 (jchen[at]emory.edu) への応募や問い合わせの前になにか質問がある方は私 (ジョージア大学生化学分子生物学部 伊藤, ito[at]bmb.uga.edu) までご連絡くださっても結構です。※[at]を@としてください)。
Jing Chen研究室のWebsiteはこちら。

Postdoctoral Fellow Positions

TWO POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW POSITIONS IN CANCER RESEARCH are available immediately for highly motivated young scientists to investigate the role of signaling basis and therapy development in human tumorigenesis and cancer cell metabolism. Our research focuses on translational and preclinical studies on human leukemias and tumors with ultimate goals to develop molecularly-targeted therapeutic strategies to treat human cancers. For related works of our lab, please see:

Cancer Cell 2007, 12(3):201-14; Science Signaling 2009, 2(97) ra73; Molecular Cell 2011, 44(6):864-77; Cancer Cell 2012, 22(5): 585-600; Molecular Cell 2014, 53(4):534-548;
Molecular Cell 2014, 55(4):552-65; Molecular Cell 2015, 59:345–358; Nature Cell Biology 2015, 17(11):1484-9; Molecular Cell 2016, 64(5):859-874; Cell Metabolism 2017, 25(2):358-373; Molecular Cell 2018, 69(6):923-937.

Successful candidate must hold a doctoral-level degree with solid background of biochemistry, genetics and molecular and cellular biology. Applicants should send a CV, and the names and contact information of three references to:

Jing Chen, Ph.D.
Professor and R. Randall Rollins Chair in Oncology
Director, Division of Basic and Translational Sciences
Associate Director of Research, Division of Hematology
Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology

Co-Leader, Cancer Cell Biology (CCB) Program
Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University

1365-C Clifton Rd. NE, C-3002
Atlanta, GA 30322
404-778-5274 (Dr. Chen)
E-mail: jchen[at]emory.edu


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